Chapter 3 lets a go

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Y/n 3 POV

I woke up and ... yeah the floors pretty cold we should have gone on the bed. At least frisk hugging me makes me warmer wait frisk is hugging me, oh she's waking up.

Frisk: "Y/n do you wanna explore the underground "

Y/n: "Sure why not"

We told toriel we were going to leave she told us to be safe and not get hurt

We opened the purple door and walked and we saw a flower but it has a face but it hid in the ground

Frisk: "That was weird"

We opened the door to find it was cold outside We kept walking but I felt we were being followed we found a bridge but then

???: " human, turn around and shake my hand"

I turn around and shake his hand and hear

*whoopie cushion sounds*

Sans: "Ha the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick classic, I'm sans the skeleton, my brother he ain't too fond of my jokes maybe he should be a little nicer to my puns"

I clap at the ice pun

Y/n: "Well sans that was an eggcellent pun"

Sans: "You know what kid that was pretty fantastic "

Y/n: "Well eggcept for the fact I'm running out of eggcuses for puns"

Sans: "Same kid, you know your really eggceptional"

Y/n: "Yeah it's pretty eggciting to hear some new puns"

Sans: "See you later kid I hope you have an eggcellent  time"

Then he teleported away I think

Frisk: "Y/n that was less scary then I thought"

Y/n: "Yeah it wasn't as scary as I thought"

We walked through the town and made it to an inn

We bought a stay and there's only one bed

Y/n: "Again, one bed you know what let's sleep in the bed this time"

Frisk: "yeah we should"

We got in bed then we passed out

End chapter

There are 323 words

We fell together frisk x male reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя