Chapter 5 its the end (not the end of the book)

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Did he just take all there souls oh crap he has six he's probably a god.

Flowey: "Ha I have all the souls"

Y/n: "Boo your cringe"

Flowey: "I could kill you now"

Y/n: "Try to I dare you"

As soon as I said that I was killed by pellets I used my determination to stay alive

Y/n: "Flower thing this isn't the end"

Flowey: "I have a name idiot, but I'll just kill you over and over again"

I went through many attacks then I saw a button which said save and to start I decided to save the two Charas

Y/n: "Do you remember the good times you've probably had"

Charas: "no just stop"

I was attacked by knives

I threw them a chocolate bar

Charas: "Oh never mind, mine"

They fought over the chocolate

Time to save the y/n's

Y/n3: "Y/n's do you remember"

Y/n 1 and 2: "No leave us alone"

I almost get shot but dodge at the last second

I throw them my gun which I got because my dad would probably kill me

Y/n1 and 2: Never mind we're rooting for you"

They left to find the Charas

One last one

Y/n: "Frisk are you there"

Instead of an answer I just get hit by a red stick, now normally a stick wouldn't do anything but it burned very bad.

Y/n: "Frisk do you remember the good times"

Another red stick, this time I dodge

There's not much I can do, I might as well just do what I've hid in my head for so long, I get closer to frisk and kiss her

She didn't fight back, actually she kissed back

Frisk: "Uh y/n y-you can do it"

After all that I face flowey

Flowey: "Since I'm about to lose the power of the souls I would break (used to be breake) the barrier but I only have six souls"

Y/n: "why don't we do it at the same time"

We ready up and the barrier is destroyed

End chapter

357 words

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