3: Salute Your Solution

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'There's nothing to talk about' I texted Mike back quickly before throwing my phone on the night stand and pulling the covers back.

It was a good few minutes before I heard my phone vibrate again.

'Please? Look I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you? Dinner tomorrow? I'll take you somewhere nice'

I read his words in my head and for some reason they made me even more mad. He thought this was something he could fix with a dinner?

'It's a start' I texted back hoping for the best.

'I'll pick you up at seven'

I put my phone down and pulled the blanket over me more. The day had been a whirlwind and I was exhausted, I just wanted some sleep.

I woke up to a knock on my door. I was confused who could be at my door that early especially since I didn't have to be at work. I got up and tossed my blanket over my shoulders before walking to the door.

"Luc?" I asked confused and trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Did I wake you up?" He asked concerned.

"Just a little bit" I lightly laughed. "What's up?" I moved aside to allow him to enter.

"Don't be mad" he said turning to look at me seriously.

"Mad? Why would I be...what did you do?" A small wave of panic hit me.

What could he have possibly done that would make me mad?

"Ta da!" He held up my car keys. I looked at him with an amused and confused face.

"I don't get it" I said plainly.

"I called that place this morning, explained everything to them. Apparently it was an easy fix so I told them not to call you and went and picked it up for you" he explained holding out the keys. "Congratulations, I'm officially not your chauffeur anymore" he chuckled.

"Luc! Oh my goodness thank you" I wrapped him in a hug. "I took the day off to take care of this and now I don't have to, thank you so much" I said pulling away from him and taking the keys.

"It's not a problem, really" he smiled.

"I'm paying you back for whatever it cost though" I moved to reach for my purse.

"No no no" he stopped me. "Dinner was enough"

"That was a thank you for driving me all over town and waiting with me, not for getting my car out of the car hospital"

"Car hospital" he laughed with a shake of his head.

"Please just let me pay you back" I pleaded with my hands clenched together.

"I'll tell you what, I'm not going to take money from you. But if you ever feel like cooking again I'm totally in" he grinned at me.

"How about some breakfast? It's a start" I shrugged.

"Breakfast? Do you...know what time it is?" He chuckled.

"I...do not" I reached for the phone he had in his hand to check the time. "Well, lunch then" I laughed.

"I would say yes because you're cooking is delicious but I have a game tonight" he smiled at me sadly. "You should come though, you'd like it"

"I think I'd love it and I would love to but Mike's taking me to dinner tonight"

"Oh?" He asked curiously.

"He wants to apologize or whatever" I almost wanted to roll my eyes.

"Well I could always get you two tickets, you can both come"

"I don't think he'd go for that, I've told you how unbelievably not spontaneous he is" I laughed.

"True, well you have my number if you change your mind" he lightly punched my shoulder and went to walk out the door. "Have fun tonight"

"Thanks, you too" I wrapped him in another grateful hug. "Thank you so much again, score a million goals tonight" I giggled pulling away.

"I might be one or two short but I'll try" he laughed before walking out the door.

Getting my car back or at least renting a car was the only thing I had planned to do for the day. With that being settled, I realized my day was going to be shockingly empty.

I cleaned up and did some organizing that I had been meaning to do before deciding to get ready. I was finishing up my hair and was about to start changing when my phone rang.

I saw Mike's name across the caller ID and picked it up quickly, thinking he had information for the night.

"I'm sorry babe, I really am just unbelievably behind with all my work. I guess I shouldn't have taken the day off yesterday" he chuckled.

It made me so angry.

"You know what, it's ok. My friend has a game tonight, maybe I can still catch that" I thought out loud.

"Have fun, love you bye" and with that the line went dead.

"Well that was an asshole move" I said looking at my phone.

I quickly texted Luc asking if it was still too late to get tickets since it was a later game.

'I'll leave them for you, two?'

I read his text in my head before getting annoyed all over again with the situation.

'Two is perfect, Mike won't be there but I thought I'd bring a friend if that's ok?' I texted back quickly.


His text made me smile. I called my friend Hayley, who was supposed to be coming back into town that night and she immediately agreed to meet me at the game.

I looked at the dress I had picked out for the night before shoving it back into the closet and pulling out a pair of jeans and an oversized hoodie.

"Perfect" I smiled at my reflection before quickly heading out the door.

I knew I had some time before the game so I headed to the nearest store I knew they sold hockey apparel. I didn't want to fight the crowds and time at the arena so I opted for the next best thing.

I quickly searched through the player shirts before I found what I was looking for. I paid for it and quickly through it over my hoodie. I turned to see my reflection in the store window once I was outside, seeing the 'Dubois' across my back.

"There, now it's perfect" I smiled to myself before getting in my car and heading to the arena.

Right Guy Wrong Time - Pierre-Luc Dubois [Winnipeg Jets]Where stories live. Discover now