1: Help Me Stranger

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I never really knew how quickly my life could change. All I knew was my life was pretty perfect and I was super lucky for that fact. My family was amazing, always have been, I was finally starting to make my way towards where I wanted to be in my career and I had finally found the perfect guy for me.

Mike was always great to me, even when we weren't getting along the best. He had always been super attentive and protective, even though lately he hadn't been the best at it. He always made me a priority, just like I had always made him one.

I was on my way home after a long, draining day of work when my car started making weird noises and started slowing down to a stop.

"Wonderful" I said to myself taking a deep breath before getting out of the car.

There were lights that came on on my dashboard a few weeks ago but Mike said they were nothing to worry about and we didn't have to take my car in...I should have taken it in anyways.

"Where do I even start?" I asked to myself after I opened the hood as a car slowly approached and made a stop behind my car.

"You ok?" A male got out of the car with a worried smile.

Uh oh. He was adorable.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine, can't say the same about my car though" I joked lightly tapping my hand on the car.

"Need some help?" He stood next to me looking into the car.

"You know how to fix cars?" I asked turning to him hopefully.

"No" he chuckled. "But I can Google some stuff and try and most likely end up calling someone who knows what they're doing"

His words made me laugh.

"Alex" I held out my hand.

"Pierre-Luc" he took my hand to shake it.

"Interesting" I giggled. "Have at it" I motioned to the car.

"I'll take care of it" he smiled at me. "So what happened?" He looked at me seriously.

"Well these lights were on on my dashboard and then my car just made some weird noises and stopped on me" I explained.

"What lights were on?" He looked up at me.

I took him around and into the car to see the lights what were currently illuminated on my dashboard.

"Ah, ok. What kind of noises was the car making?"

I did my best impression of what the car sounded like as he pulled out his phone.

"Think you can fix it?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure, do the noise again?" He looked at me seriously over his phone.

I imitated my car again as he started laughing.

"Can you fix it?" I asked anxiously.

"Probably not, I have no idea what any of this means. I'm calling a body shop now" he chuckled.

"What? You were going into so much detail with your questions" I laughed lightly.

"I just wanted to see if I could get you to make the weird noises the car made" he laughed putting the phone to his ear.

"That was so mean" I laughed shaking my head.

"Made you laugh though" he smiled at me before talking to the person on the phone.

He was right, he did make me laugh at a stressful time. I had no idea how much I needed that.

"They'll be here in like a half an hour" he said tucking his phone into his pocket.

Right Guy Wrong Time - Pierre-Luc Dubois [Winnipeg Jets]Where stories live. Discover now