The DJ and the Blonde

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Hey, this is my new Faking It fanfiction I'm starting. Please read! This will all be told in Amy's point of view. No matter who you ship on the show, you will see action from all, although I do know who will be endgame (not revealing that info, read to find out). Please enjoy, and comment with your opinions! I love hearing your feedback, whether it's good or bad! 

"Karma, stop!" I squeal with laughter as the red head tickles me. 

"Give me the cookie and I'll surrender!" Karma shouts with a smile. I give in and hand her the cookie. 

"Happy now?" I ask, still trying to catch my breath from the tickle fit. Karma smiles and nods as she chews. "So, Twilight marathon tonight? I'll bring the icing," I say. Karma swallows her bite and gives me a disappointed look. "Don't tell me," I say before she even has a chance. "Plans with Liam?" 

She nods. "He's taking me to dinner." 

I sigh. "We haven't binge watched Twilight in over a month!"

"Yeah, I know, but you should be happy I found someone. It's Liam Booker, Aims. Liam fucking Booker. Not some random person I'm stringing along for fun!" 

"Is that what I am to you? Random fun?" 

Karma shakes her head and takes my hands in hers. "No, that's not what I meant at all. You're my best friend, forever and always. No boy will ever come between that. If you want me to cancel my plans, I can and will."

As much as I want Karma to cancel on Liam and come lie on my couch with me in old PJs making fun of Kristen Stewart, I shake my head. 

"Go. Have fun."

"You should go out too. Meet someone. Then we can double date!" 

I smile and nod just to please her. It's hard to just go date someone when you've never dated before. 

Karma has been my best friend since kindergarten. Every Friday since sixth grade we've been watching movies together. Every weekend we've had sleepovers, and because of that I've never really thought about dating. I've been so busy with Karma 24/7, romance has never been a big issue on my mind. But now I'm free almost every weekend, and I wonder if I'll wind up alone. 

"Can I steal Karma away for a bit?" 

I look up and see Liam smiling down at us, paint on his shirt from probably another art project. 

I want to tell him no. No, you can not steal Karma away. Don't take her to dinner. She's my best friend. 

"Sure," is what I say instead. I watch as they walk off, hand in hand. Karma seems so happy. Why can't I be happy like that?

She's right. 

I need someone too. 


"You're an expert on love, right?" 

Shane looks up from his cell phone and chuckles. 

"No, I'm an expert on hook ups. What, you looking for action?" 

"I just need to find someone. My weekends have been quite free as of late." 

"Ah yes, I've been waiting for this day." 

I back up, confused. "What day?" 

"The day you finally come to terms with the fact that Karma has ditched you." 

"She has not ditched me!" I say, rather defensively. 

Shane stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder."Oh sweetie, you're more indenial than I thought." 

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