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Louis was being chased around his home.

It was a Sunday morning, and all his mum wanted was for him to get ready for church and maybe go with them for once. Of course that would never happen though.

It's not that he didn't want to go (although he didn't.) he just had other things planned already.

He hopped around the house, one sock on, trying to brush his teeth while simultaneously putting his shoes on.

"Lou please. Just this once?" His mother begged, walking quickly towards him.

As he tried to talk with the toothbrush in his mouth, foam came tumbling out, landing in small heaps on the floor, his mum scowling at him.

He held up a finger to her, and went to the bathroom to spit out the white in his mouth, and clean his face.

Louis met his mother's gaze in the mirror as she leaned against the door frame. Her eyes were tired and pleading.

He was going to answer her, he really was, but now he had his shoes on, his face was clean, and he was getting a text on the group chat.

He glanced at the phone and back up at his mother, and then booked it to the door, grabbing his skateboard and running outside.

"Louis William Tomlinson I'm going to kill you! I'll do it! Get back here this instant!" Jay yelled helplessly at her son, who was already speeding down the road.

Louis looked behind him at her. "Sorry Ma! Can't hear you! Gonna be late."

Jay shook her fist at him in an unconvincing threat and walked back inside. Her son merely laughed and pushed harder on the road, going faster on his board.

Louis loved the feeling of the wind hitting him as he flew down the hilly roads. It was freeing. Levitating even, maybe like flying.

Closest he'd ever get to his wanted superpower though.


As he swerved the corner onto Ferry Lane, he could hear Niall's cackle before he even came into view. He was atop of Liam's back, right before they crashed to the grass of his yard.

"Nialler you're gonna break grandpa be careful." Louis mocked, slowing down to a stop in front of Liam's house.

"Tommo I'll break your board if you keep calling me that." Liam stifled under the weight of Niall, who was still on top of him.

"Try it, Payno and I'll tell your mummy what you were really doing with Soph last Saturday."

Liam huffed, stuffing his face into the grass, flipping Louis off as he smugly grinned.

Niall promptly got up when he checked his watch. "Let's go boys it's almost ten. We'll be late if we don't hurry." He chided.

Liam and Louis rolled their eyes in unison.

"The bakery's not going to close down if we're five minutes late" Louis grumbled, but he got on his skateboard, already going down the road. (Maybe he was more excited than he let on)

The other two boys followed shortly after, slightly behind him.


When they got to the highway, and the road expanded they transferred over to the sidewalk, trying to push each other at each chance they got.

At one point, Niall actually did fall. He hit a bump in the concrete, flying over into the grass, staining his jeans with green even more than the already were. He sat up, gasping and a hand clutching his chest.

Where they were stopped was actually quite convenient. It was by a crosswalk and there were barely any cars driving past.

Louis was bent over, trying to catch his breath as chuckles wracked his chest. Liam was over at Niall's side immediately making sure he was okay, but shoveling down giggles of his own.

Niall just brushed himself off, squeezing Liam's shoulder in reassurance, promptly hitting Louis where the sun don't shine. He toppled over, hands on his goods, and eyes squeezed shut groaning.

"Fuck you Niall. If I don't have kids one day it's your fault dickhead."

Niall only laughed harder. "Hey! You laughed at me first, it was only fair. Plus it's not like you'll be sticking that thing anywhere anytime soon, so I don't think you have anything to worry about."

Louis flipped him off.


"This is it boys." Niall exhaled, clapping the boys beside him on the back. "This is the best day of our lives."

"You're overreacting." Louis said.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."


"Guys!" Liam scolded. "We are not six anymore. Stop acting like it."

"Sorry grandpa." Louis said, Liam giving him a warning look making him stiffen.

"Sorry Li." Niall sighed, patting him on the back again. "Just excited."

"Me too." Liam perked up.

They were in front of 'Breky's' the new bakery that opened in, Niall checked his watch, approximately forty five seconds. He squealed eagerly.

Don't judge him. He really likes his food. I mean can you blame him?

"Shit shit shit it's time." Louis squeaked almost frantically.

Niall and Louis faced each other, gripping the other ones shoulders and shaking them, eyes wide and mad.

Liam smiled at them fondly and enjoyed their enthusiasm over the thought of baked goods.

They all turned towards the door, as a tower of totes with legs and arms came out. Louis was the farthest in the front and he got hit with the force of them, immediately stumbling back, and onto his butt on the pavement.

He could hear Liam and Niall's snickers, but all he could focus on was the boy in front of him. The totes were gone and now the legs and arms belonged to the most gorgeous person he thinks he's ever seen.

A mop of dark brown curls covered by a beanie, and bright green eyes lit up with curiosity and slight worry.

He extended his hand. "Oops." The god said, pulling Louis to his feet easily and smiling cheekily.

"H-hi." Louis stuttered. Stuttered?!

He mentally cursed himself. Since when did he get nervous around boys? Very pretty, dimply, smiley boys. Shit.

Louis looked down. His hand was still in the taller ones, and he was just stand there smiling goofily at him. Still not letting go.

"So what's the best thing on the menu?" Niall asked.


Hi! I hope you enjoyed and I hope my writing entertained you! Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions!


Much Love
- S

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