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Hi bestest friends in the entire world! Thank you for over 200 reads already like what the hell?!

Also look at the fairy house I made^^ I sprinkled lemongrass essential oil on it today.

Please read the authors note that's the next chapter. It's very important.

It had been two weeks since the opening of the bakery. Two weeks since they met. But Harry and Louis haven't stopped talking. Good morning texts, silly jokes and random questions throughout the day, and then chatting until they both fell asleep at night.

They had learned many different things about each other throughout the past fourteen days.

Harry had learned that Louis had been skating since he was five. He told him that his dad taught him, which also meant He had told Harry about his father's passing.

It was really hard for Louis when it happened. One of his biggest heroes just gone. Forever. It was a heart attack. And Louis was so confused because his dad had been healthy to his knowledge.

Apparently though, he had suffered from diabetes from an early age. He was angry at first, for never being told, but really it just brought him closer to his family.

On a brighter note, Louis had learned that Harry's favorite color was yellow, that his favorite flower was a sunflower, his favorite thing to bake was lemon bars, and yea.. A lot of yellow. Louis thought it fit him though, always bubbly and happy.

He also learned that Harry's birthday was February 1st, He starts his first year of Uni later this year(he's studying law), and that when he was six he punched his sister Gemma in the face and knocked one of her baby teeth out.

Louis teased him mercilessly about this for about five minutes until Harry reminded him of how when he got his first skateboard he fell and broke his crush's arm because he landed on her.

Louis cursed himself for telling him that.

Louis: Curly
Louis: Curlyyyyyyyy

Curly Q: yes? Hi.

Louis: Where are you right now?

Curly Q: Closing up the bakery, y?

Louis: I'm coming to pick you up.

Curly Q: what?

Harry was glad the bakery closed at five on Sundays.

His tummy was filled with butterflies and nerves. Louis never answered back and it's been about ten minutes now. He was fiddling with his clothes in the bathroom mirror, trying to make sure he looked as presentable as possible.

He didn't know why he wanted to look good for Louis, or why he felt so nervous. It was just two new friends hanging out right?

When he heard the bell he nearly jumped out of his chest.

"O Harrys a jolly good fellow, O Harrys a jolly good fellow, I don't know where he is. Curly show yourself." Louis calls out.

Harry takes a deep breath, runs his fingers through his hair, and walks out. "Hi Louis." He grinned.

"Curly!" Louis exclaimed. "I thought you were dead. A ghost."

"Sorry to disappoint." Harry said, holding out his arms doing a mix of a shrug and a bow.

He then took a moment to finally take Louis in for the first time. He was wearing a band T Shirt, black skinnies, and black vans. Harry thought he looked beautiful.

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