I amo you (Dessa x Tigry)

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"I love you" is my prompt, and I have to write it in third person to practice since I mainly write in first person. Yeah it's not much to work with and I suck at third person :/

Tigry was sleeping on the couch when the front door opened and Dessa walked in. After she hung her bag up she passed by the couch and noticed the sleeping ginger, which caused her to quietly laugh since he was drooling.

She sat next to him on the floor, since there was no room left on the couch, and played with his hair for a bit before kissing him on the cheek and heading to their room.

After she changed into her pajamas she headed to the kitchen and she prepared herself a meal, Tigry being asleep the whole time. She prepared herself some pasta and even baked a pie. 

"He must have really been tired..." Dessa said as she looked over from the kitchen.

I kind of feel bad for him...he hasn't been sleeping well these past few days, and he hasn't been looking his best either. Dessa thought as she ate some of the strawberry pie she had prepared.

After she finished eating and putting everything away she thought about carrying him to bed but she had only carried him once and even then it was really hard.
She ended up deciding on just covering him with the blanket and going to sleep.

The next morning when Dessa woke up she was surprised to see Tigry preparing some breakfast.

"Tigry? Oh right you slept all day yesterday"

"Haha yeah, I noticed. I was just really tired" He said as he laughed.

"Hm.." Dessa acted like she understood but she was still worried, since this wasn't a one time thing. He hadn't been sleeping well for the entire week. She wondered if she should ask or just keep quiet, but she didn't want to worry anymore so she decided to ask.

"...Tigry are you sure that's all?"

This took Tigry by surprise.

"Huh? Yeah"

"Are you sure? You haven't been sleeping well all week and you've also seemed really upset"

"I- I'll tell you in a minute.." He said not even trying to hide it anymore since he knew there was no point in doing so. Once he finished preparing breakfast and serving Dessa and himself, he sat down at the table with Dessa.

"I just- my mother called last week and told me that my father died. I..wasn't sure how to react, in fact I still don't...a few days after that I started having nightmares about when he would beat me as a kid and I...I don't want to sleep because of that..." He looked down at his food with a sad expression after that. 

She was really surprised by that, she had expected something...else, not sure what but just something different. She ended up standing and heading to his side. She got down and looked at him as she spoke.

"You could have told me...but I understand...you know I'll always be here for you right?"

There was a bit of silence before he finally answered.

"..I really don't deserve you...I'm probably just a burden to you too" 

"You're not a burden, you're a blessing" Dessa said as she smiled and hugged him.

Hearing those words caused Tigry to turn red, he was still getting used to receiving this much love from someone. I'm glad I met you Dessa.

"I..I love you" He said as he hugged back.

"I love you too"

P.S I'm only gonna do a q/a if I get 10 or more questions

-Sleep deprived idiot that's stuck in school

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