Lost and Found - Technodad AU

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Hhhh but listen.

Techno was home alone when Phil comes back with a box, a tiny Ranboo curled up inside, Techno didn't like the boy at first but soon got used to the toddler waddling around and holding onto his cape when he would follow Techno around. When Ranboo started to learn actual English from Phil, then his normal ender speak, he was quick to start calling Techno dad. Techno would never say it but he started to like the small kid as he would teach him ways to protect himself and defend himself in a fight.

It was worrying when Ranboo woke up one day with a foggy memory of the day before, it only getting worse as he grew up, it started as forgetting days but it grew to forgetting something from an hour before. Ranboo started to get worried and would always cry when he couldn't remember something from the previous hour. Techno loved the kid but as he got older Phil thought bringing him back to his kind would help his memory, Techno hated the idea but he never wanted to hurt Ranboo.

The night when Phil had Ranboo in a box, he was still small enough to fit inside, Techno was inside holding the music box he had grown accustomed to the small enderman listening to before bed. Techno heard Phil take off as he finally let his guard down as he cried.

Years later :)

When Ranboo is living with Techno and Phil, he was asked to wake up Techno after Phil made food for the three of them, Ranboo walked in when he saw the piglin wasn't in the room, looking around Ranboo saw the small box Techno kept for years, he slowly started to remember Techno caring for him when he was small, Ranboo took the music box with him as he made his way back down to tell Phil Techno wasn't in his room when he saw the both of them waiting for him at the table. Ranboo asked about the box and Techno said he kept it just incase Ranboo found his way back home, they talked for hours and Ranboo was writing everything in his memory book just so he wouldn't forget anything. Phil left the small family to talk and catch up more and to hunt for dinner, Techno was talking about the day he lost Ranboo when the enderman hugged Tech close.

After a few days of getting comfortable with the new information, Techno and Ranboo got closer, Techno talking about when Ranboo was younger and the other talking about what he remembers and why he holds the memory book close, they always talked as the music box played its tune. They got closer as a family and Phil enjoyed seeing Techno looking happy to have the enderman back in their life :)

This isn't what I was scared about posting, thats coming when I build up the confidence :')

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