Fuck we're late

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I then realized that my hands are on his bare chest and moves them quickly away and try to get up.
" ehm, we should clean it up." I say getting of Sasuke and trying to calm down my blush.
" Hn." Is all he says and we begin to clean up the mess.


After we had cleaned the mess up we had gone straight to sleep. And the jerk that he is made me sleep on the couch.

" you slept on my bed before, isn't that enough."

That's what he said. I glared at him but after thinking that the couch is better than sleeping outside in this kind of weather I just grabbed the pillow and mumbled a 'god night' and walked to the couch. I heard him mumble something before he closed the door to his room. I sighted. Why, why did happened to me. I came back to study, to get away from my unpleasant cousin. But also for revenge. But that doesn't seem as easy as I thought. And that's the last thing I thought of before I close my eyes and the darkness takes over.

I woke up the next morning as I felt the sunlight on my face. I groan quietly over how stupid of me that I forgot to pull together the carping. Suddenly I feel so hot. I pull of my blanket and sit up. I winch, Ow my back really hurts. I give a glance to the jerks room and see that it's still closed. I guess he is still sleeping. I yawn before I hear my stomach grumble slightly. I sigh. I feel like I'm forgetting something? I struggle before glancing at the clock and wide my eyes. The fuck it's past 8! Fucking school.

" OH NOO! Shit, shit, shit! I have a test today!" I shriek. After that I hear a dump and fast footsteps.

" w-what happened?!" Sasuke yells as he comes out in only boxes. Showing of his well build chest, oh but do I have time for this? No.

" fucking school! We're late! " Sasuke turns his head to watch the clock on the wall. He wide his eyes before speaking.

" the clock goes one hour wrong." He says. I stare at him and sigh in relief. Thank god!

" it shows one hour earlier, that means that the clock is not 8.30 am it's 9.30 am." He says.

I drop my jaw and feel like my eyes are hopping out of my head. We glance at each other before I burst out.

" you stupid duckbutt! WHAT THE HELLS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yell. Ready to strangle him.

But I restrained my self. Sasuke just stares there with a weird expression on his face. He has never heard a girl yell this much at him and calling him duckbutt? This girl really has changed. As he daydreams he feels her throwing a pillow to his face. He throws the pillow down before glaring at her.

" Are you deaf duckbutt? I said go and get dressed or do you plan to go to school like that? Not that your fangirls will mind but it's not a very pleasant sight." I say with my arms crossed.

Sasuke looks shocked down and then turn his gaze to look at me, smirking.

" don't act like you don't like it, cuz you do" I scowl and send him a glare.

" yeah right, never in your whole life, duckbutt" He glares at me for using that nickname but turns around and walks in to his room to get changed. I sigh.

A few minutes later we're standing outside his apartment ready to walk... Or run.

" wait we didn't have any breakfast." Sasuke says rubbing his stomach. I turn my ahead towards his direction and give him a weird look.

" we're late and you think of food?" What the hell is his problem? Who is this person? He has totally changed. I grab him by the arm and drag him with me to school. I think he doesn't like it very much but he doesn't pull me away. I shook my head and continue to run. Suddenly Sasuke stops and grabs my hand making me stop. I scowl and send him a glare.

" what! Why are you stopping? Are you stupid we're gonna be late! And it's your foult."

" its your foult too you know. Dont blame me." He says. I was about to open my mouth and yell at him but then I realize that I don't have a really good comeback for that.

" ugh, fine." I say and look at the market we're in front. There's a big clock outside the shop and I wide my eyes.

" Hurry up duckbutt! Why are we standing still?!" I yell as I once more drag him with me.

" oy, wai-" he begins but don't get to finish.

As we ran and finally saw the building of the school I sighed in relief. I run faster and now we're standing in front of the school. I look around and it's.... Empty? Where is everyone? I wonder as I decide to walk to the front door. I try to open it but it's locked? I wide my eyes.

" oh no.... What if everyone is locked inside and there's a murder inside?!" I say as I pull the door trying to open it.
" we must help them!" I pull the door once more before I feel someone hit my head.

" ow! " I rub my head and glare at Sasuke." Why did you do that you jerk"

" are you stupid? There is no murder inside, in fact there's no one in there." He says annoyed. I give him a confused look before realising! Sasuke must have seen it cuz he sighed in relief.
" glad you unde-" he begins but gets cut of by me standing up and pointing up.

" the aliens took everyone!" I yell still pointing at the sky. Sasuke nods.

" yes that's tr-" he stops and realises what he was about to say. And once again I feel him hit me.

" No you stupid idiot!" He says with an angry expression. Before continuing:
" there's no school today!"

I wide my eyes before it hits me! The teacher had told us about it and the test is next week! I almost hit myself over how stupid I am for not remembering. I look up to Sasuke with a dumb expression on my face

" right, hehe, totally knew that" I say with a smile at him as I stand up. Damn he knows how to land a hit, stupid duckbutt.

" Hn" he says before turning around and start walking.

" where are you going?" I say as I walk behind him.

" to grab something to eat" he says simple.
" I didn't have time for that because of you." I stop and rise my finger pointing at him.

" ITS YOUR FOULT TO DUCKBUTT! You had no IDE!" I yell. He stops and turns around meeting my eyes before speaking.

" do you know why I stopped in front of the market earlier?"

" because you were hungry? Why else go to the market if not for food?" I say rising my eyebrow.
I see him trying to keep his cool. I really am annoying huh?

" because your so stupid you didn't notice that the market was closed. And it's always open so it was kinda weird but then i remembered. And while I was trying to explain that to you, you were to busy dragging me and we had to walk even further away." He scowls before once again walk away. I once again had nothing to say. I look up to the sky and see the clear blue sky. While I was lost in my world I hear Sasuke yell annoyed far away.

" you coming or not? I'm really hungry and since you slept on my couch it's your treat." I glare at him and was about to yell something but was interrupted by my stomach grumbling. I sigh, very well. I run trying to catch up to him. I mean I don't have anything better to do anyway. Once I was close to him I kept running so I was ahead before slowing down. Then I turn around.

" you coming or not, duckbutt?" I smirk at him. I see him giving me a glare before turning away he's head towards his right still walking.

" let's make a competition. The last person who arrives to the restaurant treats the other to lunch."
I say pointing up front. Sasuke meets my eyes before muttering" stupid and annoying."

" what you scared, DUCKBUTT? Wow who would have thought that the great Uchiha was scared he's gonna lose." He gives me a glare before he to starting to run. I laugh before I to start running.
Cuz damn he's fast..

I hate to say this but I think I'm having fun. I hate this but at the same time....not.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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