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I started to run the fastest I could whit tears in my eyes. I couldn't stop. When I came home I saw my father crying. My aunt had died in a car accident trying to find me. I couldn't breath anymore and couldn't cry anymore I felt lifeless. It was the worst day ever after her mothers death.


Hinata's POV

Finally the school day was over! People who had remembered her had been staring the whole day. And others.... well they too, but maybe not the same. After my introduction the teacher made me sit beside Sasuke. I figured he would start saying something like " look who it is" or " you've become uglier" but he didn't even look at me?! The others like Kiba and his gang had smirked at me but they too hadn't come and talked to me. Then there was this girl with brown hair I think her name was tenten? She was obviously new and said things like not to worry and that the first week is always hard. I had just nodded and said thank you. I sighted. I seriously don't know how to make Sasuke and his gang regret the thinks they did to me. And ignoring me hadn't make things easier.
I look around the classroom I'm standing in all alone. Now that I look at it closely it's really boring. Sure every classroom looks boring. But this one looked unpleasant. And the class didn't look very welcoming. It was like they didn't have a good relation. Everyone was sticking with their own group of friends. I look out of the window. The sun was about to go down. I sigh. This sucks. I had to meet the principal after school and boy she can talk. And her office smelled alcohol. Then there was this stupid white cat who was always trying to sit on my lap. Not that I hated cats, in fact I like animals very much. But that cat reminded me of my old cat and it also had the same eye colour. And luckily for me it wasn't the same principle like last time. That old geezer would have asked me so many questions. But he was one of a few people who I enjoyed to talk to when I was little. He was always there. I wonder where he is? Vacation? Or did he move away? I should have asked the principle. I look at down at my phone. It's six o'clock. I really need to get home now. And I'm starting to feel hungry. I walk outside and look up, it looks like it's going to rain anytime soon. I should probably hurry up if I don't want to get wet. Should I walk by the department store today?

Nah I still have leftovers from yesterday's dinner. I'll just walk home. As I walk silently I hear a big thunder. Just when I look up I feel raindrops on me. Oh great! Thunder too? I really must hurry now! Thunder is the last thing I want right now. Yes I am afraid of thunder. Have been since I was little. But at least I had someone then.

I ran the little bit left with my school bag over my head. Lucky me we didn't get much homework today only math but I doubt I will get it wet. I finally see the my apartment building. I run up the stairs and search the key to my apartment. I raise my eyebrows. The key is not in my pocket?!
I look through my bag and every pocket I have but still can't find it!
I hear the thunder again and the rain starts falling down heavier. This is a problem, a BIG problem! Should I go back to school? But that way I might catch a cold and get wet from the rain! And the school isn't that close. Maybe I should just wait till the rain stops? Yep that's a good idea.
The rain should stop anytime now and then I will run back to the school. I could have forgotten it in the classroom, or so I hope. I sighted. What am I supposed to do now? I really hope the rain stops.

Sasuke POV

God I hate rain. And I had to work overtime because that idiot was late. I sigh. I hope I get some extra credits at least. But I wonder, I didn't really think about work at all. I was too busy thinking about the new girl, Hinata. Why did she come back? And how should I react towards her? Maybe I should just ignore her and don't talk to her? Only necessarily, she is in my class after all. And she sits beside me. I sighted. I should have brought a umbrella I think as I run the last piece before I see my apartment. I want to take a warm hot shower. I run up the stairs and see something I really was not hoping to see, Hinata. What was she doing here? She was sitting in her school uniform and she was drenched. And more importantly she was sleeping. Is she crazy? She's gonna catch a cold. Did she follow me? Or don't she have anywhere to go? But why would she come here? I sighted.
This is troublesome. I go down on squatting so I'm on the same level as her. Should I ignore her and go in? But i would feel guilty.
"Oy, wake up. Hey." I try but still no respond. I sight as I try again.
" seriously wake up. How can you sleep here, and now?" I say as I grab her by her shoulders and shake them slightly. She moves slightly and mumbles something. She opens her eyes trying to get used to the light. When she opens them clearly and her eyes wide open when she notice me. She jerks up. And tries to stand up but got up a little to fast it seems.
" S-Sasuke-kun? "

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