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Its so cold.

I opened my eyes to see the barn roof. I guess I had fallen asleep here again. I think I kicked off the blanket I was using last night. The barn wasn't that big, it had a pile of hay with blankets covering it and a small desk. A rug was placed in front of the makeshift bed.

I got up and stretched a little, running my fingers through my hair, it was tangled though so my fingers got stuck at some places.

I had a room but I preferred to spend my time here, it was quiet. The doors opened and one of the farmhands stood in the doorway.

"Goodmorning Sofia!"

"Goodmorning Y/N, we're having breakfast outside at the picnic tables today, Demeter brought some food."

Demeter is my best friend. She worked at her family's bakery in town and sometimes she would bring us food.

I rushed past Sofia and ran to the table where all the other farmhands and my siblings were eating. Obviously Angel and Apollo were fighting over cookies, my siblings were probably talking about what game to play today, and Demeter was taking food out of her basket.

We devoured our breakfast. I'm not even exaggerating. Everything was gone in a matter of minutes. Demeter had to go open the bakery so we said our goodbyes and went to work.

I usually did errands in town, trading our farm's goods. I picked up the baskets of potatoes and other crops from the house, saying goodbye to my mother and headed out.

The walk wasn't far, like ten to twenty minutes depending on if the trip was interrupted or not. As I walked a hummed softly. It was a beautiful day, birds were singing, flowers were blooming, maybe I should find a significant other, I had a suitor but I wasn't very interested. 

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