~{Chapter Four}~

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Though those thoughts were put to rest when you realized you had left the barn a mess.

You didn't want to be seen as a messy person, especially to someone you had just met. So you rushed out of the house, running to the barn. You knocked on the door and the door was slid open by Technoblade. He looked at you with a confused expression and you quickly apologized for the mess in the barn, not wanting to seem impolite.

He told you that the barn had not been messy at all and that you didn't need to worry about it. Someone must have cleaned it before you came home and you silently thanked whoever they were. You both exchanged a "goodnight" and you walked back to the house. Once you had reached your room you stood in the doorway for a minute or two.

You were tired from working on the tree house during the day but bolting to the barn had woken you up. You had decided it was better to rest so that you could work better tomorrow. You plopped onto your bed and laid there for a while, thinking about what you would do the next day. Eventually you felt your eyelids get heavy and you drifted off to sleep.


You woke up earlier than Sofia this time. The clock showed that it was four in the morning, and the sun would rise in about an hour. You couldn't fall asleep anymore so you quietly got changed and washed up. When you finished you picked up an apple from the fruit bowl and headed outside.

It was still dark outside but you could see the silhouettes of everything around you. You made your way an old swing that hung from a large willow tree. It was made by your mother and father as a present for your tenth birthday. You sat down on the swing, causing it to create a small creaking noise.

You watched as the sun began to rise from over the trees and hills, taking in all the beauty surrounding you. The view took your breath away and made you forget everything that had happened in the last few days. You sat on the swing in silence, thinking about what you would do today.

Rustling was heard behind you and you quickly looked behind you to see someone standing right behind you. You screamed and tumbled off the swing, onto the ground that was littered with leaves. Looking up you saw a familiar face, or mask, looking down on you. Technoblade offered you a hand to help you stand up. You refused it and stood up by yourself, brushing the dirt off of your clothes.

"Goodmornin' Y/N, would you like to start your training today?"

You hesitated for a second, did you really want to spend your off day training? It was probably for the best anyways, so you agreed. He began to walk towards the fields, signaling with his hands for you to follow him. You frowned at him and began to walk behind him, but you weren't fully focused on where you were going, due to thoughts overwhelming your brain.

Why did you dislike Technoblade so much? Was it because you had just met him? Or because you had made a fool of yourself in front of him. Or was it possible that he made you feel small and insignificant? You might never know why, all you knew is that something about him displeased you.


Technoblade had taught you the proper stances for holding different types of weapons. It had taken a while though, due to you not being completely invested in the lessons. It was seven in the morning and since you had started early, Technoblade had decided that you had learned enough for the day. Your friends had gone to explore and spend time in the village for the day though, leaving you alone.

Tecnhoblade was a rather calm person, and very patient. Guilt weighed on your conscience, knowing he had taken all the hints that you had disliked him. You had made it obvious that you didn't like Technoblade in an attempt to make him feel bad. This had apparently failed as he showed no emotions when addressing your actions.

The way Technoblade reacted made you feel bad for some reason, even if your feelings didn't seem to effect him. He seemed like a good person. You decided to invite him to spend time with you since you had nothing else to do, not knowing where your friends were exactly. Maybe you could take Technoblade to the flower field and you two could have a small picnic.

You decided that was a good idea and approached Technoblade. He was busy putting away the wooden tools you had used for training. You called his name and he turned around to face you.

"Would you like to go to the flower field with me today? I have nothing to do and we already finished my lessons."

Technoblade responded with a nod and hummed in agreement. You told him that you would need to change first and left to your shared room. Once you had reached your bedroom you quickly changed and grabbed some sandwiches, which were pre-made by your friends so you could eat. You grabbed some a basket and stuffed the water bottles and sandwiches in it. You also grabbed a small box or strawberries and put it in the basket. Finally you grabbed a small picnic blanket and rushed out of the house.


It looked like it was around six in the evening and it looked like the sun would begin to set soon. Technoblade had told you to call him "Techno", which made sense as it was shorter. You both had talked for a couple hours when you had reached the flower field. Around noon you ate the delicious sandwiches that were made by Alexis and washed it all down with the water you had brought.

You two had continued your conversation while snacking on strawberries and making flower crowns. You had tried teaching Techno how to make a flower crown, weaving the stems so they were secure. He looked like the person who would rip the stems while trying to tug them, but he was surprisingly very careful with the delicate flowers.

"Here you go Techno!" you said placing the flower crown on his head.

He smiled and handed you the crown he had made, placing it on your head.

"Sorry Y/N, it isn't as pretty as the one you made."

"It's beautiful!"

You had a large grin on your face due to the kind gesture, and you burst into laughter, collapsing from your sitting position. You spread out on the blanket and from the corner of your eye you saw Techno smile. You looked up at the sky, watching the clouds float across the sky. You turned to Techno to see him laying down next to you, looking at the sky. He turned to make eye contact and the both of you stayed like that for a while, laying on the ground in a silence that wasn't cold but quite the opposite. It made you feel warm inside, it felt like you had known this man for years.

Then the sun begin to set and you jolted up, sitting up on the blanket. You watched the sun set slowly and you heard a cough behind you. You turned around to see Techno holding an beautiful, purple allium, offering it to you. You took the flower, smiling and held it gently in your hand and turned to face the sunset again.

"Oh no."

"What's wrong Techno?" you questioned, turning to face him with worry all over your face.

"You look like those main character in those novels people write-" he told you, with a grim expression.

You stared at him for a second, attempting to contain your laughter. Your giggles soon turned into full on wheezing. Techno joined in soon after.

"What does that mean?" you asked, out of breath and trying to get the sentence out without laughing.

"Don't question me Y/N." he replied with a grin on his face.

You laid back down on the blanket, your laughter now reduced to soft giggles. The sun had set and the stars began to show in the night sky. You yawned as you felt your eyelids get heavy. You closed your eyes, unable to keep them open any longer.

He seems alright.


I'm sorry for taking so long to finish this- :D

100+ reads pog? Thank you <3

Love you guys! Don't forget to rest- <3

[discontinued] Thorns || a Technoblade x Reader FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang