~{Chapter Seven}~

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"Y/N, this is my brother Tommy."

Technoblade asked Tommy why and how he was here, as he was apparently supposed to be safe at home. Tommy then explained how he had been following Techno ever since he began his travels. Tommy then went on complaining about how Technoblade had been nearly starving him for about a year. The two brothers got into a small argument about this statement.

I cleared my throat, which got the boys' attention causing their bickering to cease. I opened my mouth to speak but I didn't plan any further than this. Techno spoke up saying that Tommy had been away from home long enough and they needed to begin their journey back home. They would have to say goodbye in a couple days or less. A twinge of sadness shot through my heart as I realized I would have to be left behind by my new friend.

I heard the door behind me creak open and turned around to see my sister Delilah with a jacket in her arms. She approached me, handing me the jacket reminding me that it would be colder later in the day. I thanked her and she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Delilah froze as she saw Tommy, who waved shyly at her. She gave him a tender smile, waving back. Techno told the two to introduce each other and grabbed my wrist. He dragged me outside of the barn seemingly wanting to talk to me.

"Y/N, I was thinking about it and decided you can come with Tommy and I, if you want to of course."

"I don't know Techno...everyone I love is here and I really don't want to leave them."

His face briefly showed an expression of hurt and pain but quickly returned to a small smile. He held both my hands in his and looked into my eyes with a gaze of understanding and acceptance. He sighed before speaking once again.

"I understand Y/N, if it acceptable I will send letters often to tell you of my travels."

I silently nodded, tears forming in my eyes. I longed to go with Techno and Tommy on their journey but that would mean leaving everything behind. I blinked away the tears and offered to go to the treehouse with Techno. He simply agreed and entered the barn, appearing again moments later with various blankets and pillows in his arms.

I picked up a lantern and we headed to the forest with my arm linked with his.


It was nighttime and we had been telling stories with the lantern as our only source of light. We had created a small "nest" with the pillows and blankets and lay there talking for hours. I sat up crossing my legs as Techno copied my motions. We sat facing each other continuing our small stories.

Techno stopped talking and began to take off his mask. It took me a minute to register what was happening and stared blankly at Techno. I swiftly covered my eyes with my hands and laid back down.

"You're- you're taking off your mask?"

"Yes I'm taking off my mask. Do you expect me to sleep with it?" He answered with a soft chuckle.

"Do I have your permission to look at your face?"

"Of course Y/N."

I slowly took my hands off of my eyes and opened them to see Techno looking down at me. Surprised I yelped and attempted to sit up causing us both to end up with a small bruise on our foreheads.

Techno backed up unfazed allowing me to sit up properly this time. I rubbed my forehead attempting to lessen the pain, which disappeared instantly after being distracted by Techno's face.

Techno had a very handsome face, I must admit. His silky, pink hair framed his scarred face perfectly. The soft expression he wore melted my heart completely, leaving me at a loss for words. His gorgeous red eyes looked straight into mine, leaving me to get lost in his wonderful gaze.

Techno softly chuckled, bringing me back to reality.

"Am I truly that hideous?" He questioned, mocking a hurt expression, putting his hand over his chest.

"Oh! No of course not! Quite the opposite really." I replied giggling at his actions.

With a large grin he took my hand and pulled me off of the ground. I was led outside of the treehouse and Techno sat down on the small porch-like extension, pulling me down with him. He looked up to the sky and I followed his gaze. The stars were absolutely stunning, based what I could see with the trees partially blocking the view.

I softly yawned and laid my head gently on his shoulder, still gazing at the wonderful night sky above the two of us. I held my hand out and Techno softly placed his in mine. We stayed that way for a little while until I began to fall asleep. Techno noticed and carefully picked me up, bringing me inside of the small treehouse.

Techno gently placed me down in the small nest we had made with blankets. I watched him cover me with a soft blanket, too tired to move. He then laid down next to me, using another blanket to shield him from the cold. 

I saw a mischievous look on Techno's face as we stared at each other with the yellow light of the lantern being our only source of light. He turned around and blew out the lantern. I was now nearly blind in the darkness. There was the dim light of the moon coming through the cracks of the window shutters.

"goodnight my princess."

My heart skipped a beat and I giggled at the nickname.

"goodnight my prince."

I smiled, content with my response and began to fall asleep.

Was I in love?


I'm sorry for taking so long to get a chapter out, a short chapter too :[

I'm now on summer break though so I'll be able to write more :]

Man I can't wait to write the angst parts I've planned out.

You know how in the description it said this wouldn't be planned out? Well I changed my mind and let me tell you there will be a lot of angst. I will put trigger warnings at the beginning of some chapters though.

Anyways take care of yourself and hydrate I love you guys <3

[discontinued] Thorns || a Technoblade x Reader FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora