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129 years later

Third person POV

A girl who was seeking power, heard about the all powerful hybrid. She gathered all the information about it and found out that the hybrid was buried in a tomb in California. But what her sources failed to mention, is that the hybrid takes orders from no one.

When she arrived at the cemetery, it was night time. The tomb could only be opened by answering a riddle. The riddle was,

I am something people love or hate. I change peoples appearances and thoughts. If a person takes care of them self I will go up even higher. To some people I will fool them. To others I am a mystery. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show. No matter how hard people try I will Never go down. What am I?

The girl was clever and knew the answer instantly.

" Age." She said and the tomb opened. As she walked inside, the torches lit up and writings of different languages were shown. At the bottom, she saw a golden coffin that have writings as well. But this one was different. She couldn't understand the words but she saw a name. Kyara Winters. She opened the coffin and saw a beautiful girl with long red hair and flawless skin. She was dressed in a black dress from the 70's and had a faint smile on her face.

This girl can't possibly the all powerful hybrid everyone fears. She looks the same age as me. And she looks innocent. But then again, this is where all my research led me. If this doesn't work, all of this would have been for nothing. She thought. She slowly pulled out the dagger in the girl's chest. When it was out, she waited for a few minutes and then rolled her eyes.

" I did this for nothing." She said turning around. Just then, Kyara took a deep breath and the girl quickly turned around and went back to the coffin. The girl was now breathing but her eyes were still closed. Kyara's eyes suddenly shot open, startling the girl, making her fall to the ground. Kyara got up from the coffin, stretched and yawned. The girl got up and Kyara looked at her curiously.

" Hello. Thank you for waking me up" Kyara said, smiling. The girl narrowed her eyes at Kyara.

" No time for chitchat. Let's go." She said angrily. I dont like this bitch. She's pretty and she has a wonderful voice. She thought, walking away. Kyara's smile dropped and her eyes became cold. She stood still and asked mockingly,

" Could you repeat please." There is no way this girl knows me and dares to command me. The girl stopped walking and turned around.

" I said, Let's. GO. Are you deaf or something. I woke you up, now I command you. I want you to kill my cousin, the alpha king." That son of a bitch killed my brother, the rightful ruler of the werewolves. Now I'm gonna let her kill him and I'll take over the palace. She thought.

Kyara arched her perfectly shaped eyebrow as she watched curiously as this girl's face go from angry to a face full of malice. I dont like this girl. She's really stupid if she thinks I'm gonna do anything she says. She thought. Kyara rolled her eyes and walked away. The girl saw this and shouted

" Hey! Where do you think you're going?"

" Its none of your business. But if you must know, I'm gonna find my daughter."

She has a daughter? No matter. She must do as I say.

" You're not going anywhere. You can go find your daughter when you're done. Or I will dagger you again."

This little shit is pissing me off. I need to get rid of that dagger.

" You know what? You're getting really annoying." Kyara stated as she turned around and grabbed the dagger. She held the girl by her neck and said

" Girl, do you know what it feels like to have daggers in your chest? No? Well you're about to find out." And she stabbed her in the heart.  She was getting quite thirsty so she drank the blood bag right in front of her. She removed the dagger and dropped the dried out body. She remove the clothes from the body and put them on. She then wiped the blood from the dagger on the lying corpse. She looked at the coffin and read the words below her family motto.

" Virtutem excitaret atque petentibus nothis peribit. Et quaedam sunt corde, et in sempiternum erit in hybrid debitum. (Those who seek for power and had awaken the hybrid, shall perish. And those with a kind heart, the hybrid shall forever be in your debt.) Well, I can understand why she couldn't read the words, but, if you can't read it, why bother. I mean, you could've opened it to find bats and roaches and rats. Ewwww. This girl is weird." She said as she put the corpse in the coffin. She closed it and grabbed the girl's money and keys. Well it's not like a corpse can use them. When she went outside, she took a deep breath.

" Ah. Fresh air. Welp, time to find my kid." She said looking at the graves, smiling. Something ran pass her and she turned to see black eyes staring at her. She growled as it came forward. It was a huge white wolf, with blue markings on her fur. She was slightly bigger than her own wolf. It was standing in front of her and it lie down. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice in her head. Hello human. Do you remember me? You're the voice from before. When I was 18. So you do remember me. I am your spirit animal. Or a demon. Whatever you choose. So why are you here? I'm here to protect you. You are my human after all. I've been watching you since you became a hybrid. Oh. So can you get smaller like other spirit animals? Yes.

And with that, shifted into an adorable pup, with the same fur and markings but she had blue eyes. Wow, it's like she was made for this family. Everyone in it has blue eyes.

Do you have a name? No, I don't. Well, I'll call you..... Kagarue. I like that. Ok Kagarue. Let's go get my child.

She picked up Kagarue and walked towards her new car and got inside.

" Don't worry, my baby. Mommy's coming." With that, she drove off.


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