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Kyara's POV

It took a day and a few hours for me to drive to New Orleans. Its been a while since I drove a car, so I had a little trouble driving. Especially if it's a modern car. I had to stop to get food for Kagarue and I at a place called McDonald's. And bought a drink called strawberry frappe at Starbucks. It was delicious.

Zarrella had written a letter telling me about everything. So I easily found the cemetery that Aurue was buried. I parked the car outside and took a sleeping Kagarue in my arms. I followed the directions of the letter and found the space between the two willow trees. You see, Zarrella made this space so that only I can go through it. To anyone else, it might seem like a whole bunch of trees, but it was made so that only my family and I could see it. The entrance was built in the ground, so I removed the dirt and touched the stone tablet's entrance while reading the words, shining with gold ink.

' If you can see this, you are Kyara Winters. And it simply means that I have died, for I would have met you here to welcome you back. When you were asleep, I have granted your wish and had a beautiful baby boy. His name was Terence. He would always come with me to visit your tomb. And he had grown up to be a remarkable young man. He then had a werewolf mate named Ellise and they had twin babies. It was a girl and a boy. There names were Andre and Andrea. Andrea had full witch genes and Andre had full werewolf genes. And due to their mother being a werewolf, they had to move to the pack she's from. When they were three years old, their parents died and they were left to me. They were seven years old when I died and was left into the care of their pack. I dont know if they are ok or how the were brought up. But my spirit can sense that they get stronger as the day passes. Anyway, remember, when you go inside, removed the poppies carefully and try not to prick your finger. Knowing you, you're not good with sharp things. Always pricking or stabbing something. Oh and, could you please visit my grandkids. Just watch over them for me, it was my dying wish. Ok?'

And just like that, the tablet became blank. Don't worry, my friend, they're in safe hands. The tablet then moved aside and the passage way was shown. Kagarue stirred in her sleep because of the loud noise. Damn, another deep sleeper. Oh well. I thought as I walked inside. The tomb was just like mine, but had hieroglyphics instead of calligraphy. In other words, pictures instead of writings. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a bronze coffin. It had golden vines around it and gold flowers blooming. It was beautiful, but it was trapping my child inside. I quickly pulled them apart and they became dry and black. I threw them to the ground and opened the coffin. There she was. My baby girl, sleeping. I gently removed the poppies, remembering what Zarrella wrote. When I was finished, I put the sleeping pup on my head and boy, was she warm. I then put Aurue into my arms and walked out. I walked to the car and got in. As I was driving, Aurue suddenly shot up, eyes wide open. I then began to speak.

" Hey babygirl, you ok?"

" Mom? What is this?" She replied

" Do you remember what mommy said? About when you wake up things are gonna be different. That's what happened."

" Wow, you even speak different."

" Well I adapt to my surroundings. I speak different, eat different food, wear different clothes and so on. You'll adapt as well, dont worry. Let's just find you some different clothes."

" Ok. Then can we get something to eat, I'm starving."

" Yeah, sure." I replied and decided to go to a place called ' the mall.' On the way there, I told her about Kagarue and talked about where we were gonna stay. We decided to visit our old house later. We arrived at the mall and I told Aurue to stay in the car.

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