1: Tragedy

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August 12th

A couple of alliance soldiers are helping with the clean up of Sovereign the reaper or "Geth" as the citadel is trying to dismiss it as.

Alliance soldier 1: "dude this scheisse is gonna take forever to clean up, lose half our fleet and this is the thanks we get." He complains while lifting some debris and dropping it into a cart and his female colleague grows a smirk.

Alliance soldier 2: "look on the bright side Kruger, now people can stop bitching about not having a seat on the council, oh wait you were one of those people." She says in a teasing manner as their team leader Alexander Hellström finds this amusing.

Alexander: "Alejandra, Kruger stop flirting and get back to work." He says moving his light brown hair back and finds a whole chunk of Sovereign scattered in the lake. "Luckily I'm blessed." He thinks to himself while using his biotics to lift the pieces out of the lake.

Kruger: "okay we get it you got BS magic powers." He jokes as Alexander shakes his head at the childlike description of his abilities while putting the pieces down.

Alexander: "it's not magic you dumbass." He rebuttals as a joke as he touches his head in irritation.

Alejandra: "migraines?" She asks touching his shoulder as Alexander nods. "Come on let's take a break, don't want your head exploding." She jokes as Alexander doesn't find that to be funny as they find a bench and sit down relaxing.

Kruger: "so... any thoughts on becoming a Specter Alex?" As Alexander looks over surprised that he's asking. "Oh come on, you've had ten successful operations in a row and stylishly might I add." He points out but Alexander has a comeback for this.

Alexander: "right and become the citadel's lap dog, don't get me wrong I'm happy one of our own became a Specter but that covert ops lifestyle? It's not for me... Also they have to buy their own weapons like what the hell is that about?" He asks as both Alejandra and Kruger shrug in response as Alexander's omni tool goes off.

Alejandra: "I'd get that if I were you, your brother ain't exactly the kind you leave hanging." She sarcastically states as Alexander gets up getting some privacy and answers the call from his brother Oscar.

Oscar: "finally, where you in the middle of something intimate? Oh wait you're not that kind of person." he remarks with almost irritating sarcasm.

Alexander: "well hello to you to asshole, how are you?" He retorts whilst leaning against a railing.

Oscar: "rather dull if you ask me, being an engineer for the alliance sucks cause all these goofy motherfuckers break everything, even the damn shuttle isn't safe." he complains earning a smile from Alexander.

Alexander: "well if it's any consolation, yours sounds better than possibly being a janitor for two years." He says as Oscar cringes a bit hearing that.

Oscar: "damn... There's that much rubble from the attack?" As Alexander nods adding on that many will have to work overtime since the other half of the alliance is busy trying to rebuild the fleet. "Jesus... That damn council better be grateful, I should be able to come by the citadel within the next few weeks."

Alexander: "great, I look forward to it... Love ya Os." He says ending the call but gets another call from his superior. "Hey Cap." He greets as Captain Yuri allows this but gets straight to business.

Captain Yuri: "bring your team and meet me at these coordinates." As the call quickly ends after that as Alexander finds this to be annoying but brings his team nonetheless as they find Captain Yuri leaning against wall.

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