8: A talk & Freedom's Progress

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Alexander is seated in the shuttle relaxing with Oscar flying it when Miranda speaks up.

Miranda: "before you meet with the illusive man, we need to ask you a few questions to evaluate your condition." She says as Alexander sighs asking if they really have to do this. "It's been two years since the attack. The illusive man needs to know that Shepard's personality and memories are intact. Ask the questions." Miranda says rather harshly as Alexander straightens up and activates his Omni tool but Shepard interrupts this.

Shepard: "did you say two years? I've been gone that long?" She asks in disbelief.

Alexander: "two years and twelve days to be specific, and until recently you've been on a table for the majority of it." He clarifies as Miranda tells him to start with personal history. "Alright sheesh, you were a spacer kid. Raised on one ship or another. You enlisted and you survived a thresher maw attack that wiped out the rest of your team, ring a bell?" He asks as Shepard is clearly shaken hearing this.

Shepard: "I lost a lot of friends that day. Going through something like that changes you. It can break you if you let it." She says as Alexander can understand that.

Alexander: "report said fifty Marines died on Akuze, I can't imagine what that was like. Satisfied Miranda?" He asks rather annoyed as he doesn't want to bother Shepard with these questions as he knows how bad trauma can be.

Miranda: "Almost, let's try something more recent. Virmire where you destroyed Saren's cloning facility. You had to leave one of your squad behind to die in the blast." She says as Alexander decides to finish that for her.

Alexander: "Gunnery chief Ashley Williams was killed in action. It was your call ma'am but what led to that?" He asks carefully as this is a sensitive subject.

Shepard: "I left a friend to die that day, and I didn't do it casually. But I had to save as many people as I could. Ashley gave her life for the rest of the team, without her I couldn't have stopped Saren. She died a hero." She says defensively.

Alexander: "I understand ma'am, it's not something I envy having to make that choice." He says understanding her as Miranda says there are other tests they should run. "Oh please Miranda, the memories in her head are intact and I'll vouch for her combat skills personally." He says finding the need for more tests pointless.

Miranda: "I suppose you're right, we'll have to hope the illusive man accepts our little field test as evidence enough." She says when Oscar calms out to them saying they're almost there as they arrive at the Cerberus facility.

Shepard heads down a couple stairs and stands in the middle of a circle when it whirls up with holographic displays moving up setting up the connection between her and the illusive man who greets her.

Shepard: "Illusive man. I thought we'd be meeting face to face." She says crossing her arms clearly untrusting.

Illusive man: "a necessary precaution, not unusual for people who know what you and I know." He says as Shepard decides to question this.

Shepard: "what exactly is it that you and I know?" She asks hoping to understand his motivations.

Illusive man: "that our place in the universe is more fragile than we'd like to think." He says removing his cigarette from his mouth and huffs some smoke. "That one woman, one very specific woman, might be all that stands between humanity and the greatest threat of brief existence." He says as Shepard says the reapers recognizing what he's talking. "Good to see your memory's still intact, how are you feeling?" He asks as Shepard figures she can be nice.

Shepard: "I noticed a few upgrades, I hope you didn't replace anything really important." She says uncrossing her arms.

Illusive man: "we tried to keep you as intact as possible. We need Shepard, just as you were when you defeated Sovereign." He says when Shepard asks what exactly the reapers are doing that made him decide to bring her back causing him to raise from his chair. "We're at war, no one wants to admit it but humanity is under attack." He says approaching the holographic display of Shepard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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