4: Omega

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A few weeks have passed as Alexander has been training to get more used to his cybernetics speaking of which he's currently training against holographic displays of hostile mechs. He slides into cover whilst blowing the head off a holographic mech with his Phalanx. Alexander counts four as he decides to get fancy grabbing the blade on his back and charges it with the biotic energy. He rolls over the cover and slashes over a wave of biotic energy which decimates the holographic displays as the VI announces training's complete shows Alexander his time as he's satisfied with the result when he sees Miranda.

Miranda: "glad to see you're adjusting quickly." As Alexander gives an amused chuckle while sheathing his blade.

Alexander: "I adjust quickly... Surely you're not here to just praise me?" He asks as Miranda keeps her hands behind her back staying formal as always.

Miranda: "we caught a break hearing that the commander's body is possibly somewhere on Omega. you'll be accompanying me during this mission."

Alexander: "only been here for a few weeks and already a mission, I can deal with that." As Miranda acknowledges the statement that they'll be leaving soon.

Miranda: "oh and just a heads-up, Omega has a lot of mercenary groups like blood pack, blue suns... You know." She warns as Alexander acknowledges this as he goes to get properly geared when Oscar approaches.

Oscar: "so... First mission involving finding Shepard's corpse... I swear you get the weirdest missions." He comments making Alexander laugh a bit.

Alexander: "definitely up there as the strangest thing I've ever done... But uh... I'm sorry for the-" but Oscar cuts him off with a brotherly hug.

Oscar: "I know... It's on both of us, good luck man." He says seeing him off as Alexander is in the shuttle with Miranda and a few more Cerberus agents.

Alexander: "so any other things I should know about Omega?" He directs to Miranda who is seated.

Miranda: "Omega while ran by criminals does someone claiming to be it's leader, Aria T'Loak an asari often referred as the pirate Queen but she won't be a problem as we're not meeting with her." She clarifies while Alexander nods understanding as he leans against a wall patiently wanting to get this over with but hopes that Miranda isn't bullshitting about the whole bringing Shepard back from the dead.

*Meanwhile at Omega*
A mid to late twenties female Drell is seated by herself in afterlife hooded to not draw attention to herself as she sees a volus approaching.

Volus: "Yunai Riun?" He asks with deep breathes as Yunai nods as the volus sits down. "I thought you'd be... Male."

Yunai: "get the point, you clearly want me to kill someone." She says as the volus huffs or breathes loudly, she finds it hard to tell given his race.

Volus: "there's been multiple attempts on my life, blue suns are... Furious I haven't paid my protection fee." He says as Yunai sees the hypocrisy with this.

Yunai: "yet you're hiring me?" She asks rather annoyed and untrusting that the client will pay her.

Volus: "I assure that you will payed." As Yunai doubts this but motions the volus to go on. "The blue suns will be expecting me at my apartment near that salarian's clinic." He says as Yunai sighs lowly.

Yunai: "before I even do this, I want proof that you can even afford my services." She says as crossing her legs as the volus takes multiple deep breaths. "Then there's no reason for me to stay." She says getting up to leave but the volus desperately shows her.

Volus: "I can give you 6,000 credits." He says as Yunai turns to him.

Yunai: "8,000 and we have a deal and you'll pay that sum to me now." She demands as the volus questions how he can trust her to complete the deed afterwards. "If you knew anything of my reputation then you'd know I always honor my contracts." She says crossing her arms as the volus reluctantly sends the credits over. "Good now I suggest you find a new place to live." She says taking her leave exiting afterlife to her small but serviceable apartment where she finds her weaponry of the M-12 locust SMG and Black Widow sniper rifle.

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