2: Loss & opportunity

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Alexander is laying in a medical bed hooked up to a machine as the doctor's have finished applying the cybernetics to his missing limbs but Alexander is having a nightmare looping over and over again from his encounter with the krogan. Alejandra is just outside talking with the salarian doctor who's talking way too fast.

Alejandra: "slow... Slow the fuck down Doc, will he recover or not?" She asks crossing her arms knowing the answer's not pretty.

Salarian doctor: "physically with time yes, but mentally is a whole different scenario. How many soldiers can you say survived what he faced?" He asks knowing the answer to that as Alejandra isn't liking his know it all attitude.

Alejandra: "don't be a fuckin smart ass about this. I get that's your race's deal but how bout you try having some goddamn decency?" She asks in a threatening manner as the doctor leaves as she soon sighs seeing Oscar.

Oscar: "he's not dead but... He's probably gonna wish he was." As he can't imagine the pain his brother will go through but is pulled into a comforting hug by Alejandra.

Alejandra: "shh no matter the problem, he'll get through it." She assures as Oscar feels doubtful about that but they see Alexander snap awake as they enter the room.

Alexander: "where the fuck is Yuri!?" He asks in anger as Oscar touches his face calming him down significantly.

Oscar: "it's alright Alex, just relax." He says as Alexander lifts his right cybernetic arm that stops at the elbow.

Alexander: "goddamn it... Will I even be able to use biotics properly?" As Oscar gets his attention.

Oscar: "I don't see how you couldn't, cybernetics get brain input straight from the brain which is where your implant is right?" As Alexander nods as Oscar reassuringly slaps his shoulder. "Then you'll be fine." He says as Alexander looks down at his cybernetic legs moving them.

Kruger: "you're one tough bastard boss." As Alejandra looks back motioning him not to remind. "Uh... Sorry."

Alexander: "Yuri the bastard, he shot down my barriers and then allowed that krogan to go wild on me." He says gripping the frame of the medical bed with his cybernetic hand. "tells me to not die on him yet he fuckin-!" He snaps but quickly stops him from ranting any further.

Alejandra: "he'll get what's coming to him, people like him don't last long." As Alexander doesn't respond when admiral hackett enters the room as Oscar, Kruger, Alejandra salute to him.

Admiral Hackett: "at ease, lieutenant Hellström I deeply apologize about everything that transpired. Yuri will face charges I promise you." He with his grizzled yet wise voice as Alexander acknowledges this statement.

Alexander: "as long as I get a shot at him I don't care for what his charges are." He says with clear determination as everyone seemingly looks ready to break some sort of news to him. "If there's something that needs to be said then say it." He says looking at admiral Hackett who maintains a stoic stare.

Admiral Hackett: "you've served the alliance military valiantly, hell you could've became a Specter." He compliments but Alexander senses some bullshit coming up. "But the alliance deems you no longer fit to serve, there is normally a process but you kept talking about killing Yuri in ways even I find disturbing." He says as Alexander closes his fists or one of his fists as he can't believe what he's hearing.

Alexander: "I can control my anger sir, sure it'll take me some time to get used of the cybernetics but I can still serve." He pleads as the alliance was his lifelong dream ever since he and Oscar lost their parents.

Admiral Hackett: "I'm sorry Hellström but until you prove to everyone that your anger for Yuri won't get in the way of your service, you'll be honorably discharged. Believe me... I hate losing a good soldier like you." He says leaving the room as Alexander sighs heavily feeling like his entire world has turned upside down.

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