Chapter One

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Eohelm walked briskly through the crowded market streets of Edoras. His purposeful gait quickly ate up the ground between there and the stable. His clouded and determined expression cleared a path there.

For years our people have lived in peace, not worrying over troubles far away from our own borders. We have looked to our own and gained the reward of peace and stability. His expression darkened, and the last few men between him and his destination were quick to remove themselves from his path. They had no desire to stand between the young soldier and his goal. When strangers are allowed to enter our lands, trouble soon follows.

He clenched his fists in frustration. Horses were the greatest part of the lives of the Rohirrim, and all others who dwelt in Rohan. When a group of strange men—claiming to be Dunedain Rangers from the far North—came to ask to buy horses from the herdsmen caring for King's horses near the Fangorn Forest, they had reported immediately to the small group of Rohirrim in the nearby village of Dalefold. The herdsmen had seemed frightened, saying they felt as though their mysterious visitors would be willing to take the creatures by force if they were refused.

Upon hearing the odd news, Thego, leader of the Rohirrim at Dalefold, had sent Eohelm to Edoras, in order that he might speak to Theoden about the matter. It wasn't simply a matter of horses. It was clear that Thego feared that the appearance of these strangers could well be a prelude to something far more serious.

"Eohelm!" The stable master, a young man named Gamla, recognized Eohelm and stood, obviously surprised to see him in Edoras. "You rarely come from Dalefold." His manner of speaking was that of a statement, but Eohelm knew he truly posed a question.

"Indeed." Eohelm replied, his tone sharp. Gamla recoiled slightly. Eohelm handed him the reins of his warhorse. "Forgive me, Gamla, but I cannot be delayed, for this errand of mine is urgent." He did not know how much he ought to tell the young stable keeper, for he did not know how loose the man was with his tongue. There was no open trouble yet. But there well could be, if rumors began to spread around Edoras. Who knew what stories bored townsfolk would make out of the matter.

Gamla nodded and took the gray steed into the stable to care for him. Eohelm turned and walked toward the Golden Hall.

He walked up to the hill where the Golden Hall stood, preparing himself to speak to the King. He drew out the message sent by Thego. Better to have it in hand now, than fumble about for it before Theoden. The message was a brief one, for Thego intended on coming himself when given the chance. But his duties were such that they could not be simply dropped at a moment's notice, in favor of something that could prove insignificant.

Eohelm ascended the stairway and came to the door-guards of the the King's hall.

"State your name and business, be you friend." Heleth, the king's doorkeeper, stepped forward, his manner slightly challenging.

"I am Eohelm, son of Eogal. I have been sent by Thego son of Thelm, who commands the Rohirrim of Theoden King in Dalefold. I have a message for the King of the Mark." Eohelm held up the message as proof of his tale. Heleth extended his hand.

"Allow me to see the signet," he said simply. Eohelm nodded and handed the doorkeeper the envelope.

Men of the Mark are not preoccupied with using many and confusing words, as those of Gondor seem to be. We say that which we mean, and do not bother with trying to sound as though we know more than we have learned. He smiled ever so slightly at the thought. Simplicity in life was a blessing, and not one he intended to throw away lightly.

"You speak truth. This is Thego's signet." Heleth handed the envelope back to Eohelm and allowed him enter the King's hall.

Nervously, Eohelm walked through the hallway. He had been in the presence of Theoden very few times, and had never delivered a message to the King. He would not be doing so now, save the fact that the intended messenger had taken ill hours before he intended to ride from Dalefold. The whole business seemed suspicious to Eohelm, and he dearly hoped that the matter would soon be cleared up.

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