I couldn't be happier

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(Authors note)
This is the end of the book. I hope y'all liked it! Sorry for making it short but enjoy.

(Kaminari prov)
I woke up to see Jirou sleeping soundly in my arms. I got a text from Mina saying that she wanted to throw a surprise party for Jirou. Apparently Mr. Aisawa told them that Jirou got hurt but she would be returning tonight. I was glad to have her back in U.A. It was almost 12 o'clock so I woke up Jirou.

"Jirou wake up." I said softy as I nudged her head.


"Good morning sleepy head." I said.

"What time is it?"

"It's lunch and I'm hungry."

She laughed and got up. I have her a little peck on the lips and she went to the bathroom to get changed. When she was dressed I told her that she was able to come back to U.A. I went to get us lunch and we talked for a little bit. I told her that I had to go back to U.A because Mr. Aisawa wanted me. The truth was was that I went back to help everyone set up for Jirou's surprise party.(later in the day.)

I got to U. and helped everyone with the decorations. Todoroki and Momo were cooking the food, Kirishima and bakugou were chasing eachother around the room with streamers tangled around them, Sero and Mina were getting the games set up, Deku and Uraraka were setting up the lights and Toru and Ojiro were getting the drinks set up. Everyone else were helping out in some way. Mineta was the only one who didn't come.

"Hey Kaminari can you help with the music?" Mina asked.

"Yea sure I'm on it"

I got a big Bluetooth speaker and added all the songs that Jirou likes. I made a playlist called, My Rockstar's Playlist. I noticed Mina approaching me.

"Hey Mina."

"Kaminari I got a question?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Do you like Jirou?" She said with a wink.

I laughed. "I mean we are dating so how can i not."


"Well we just started dating so I was going to tell just you but now the whole class knows thanks to you."

She laughed. " Sorry I'm just excited that my ship is sailed. I laughed.

Then it started to get dark so we all hid I  the dark and waited to surprise Jirou.

(Jirou's prov)
I couldn't wait to go back to U.A and see Kami and everyone else. I spent the rest of my day packing my stuff from the hospital and my parents told me they would take the boxes to my dorm. I was confused because I was going there anyways. I got a ride from my parents to U.A. I walked to the entrance to the dorms to see that all the lights were off. I opened the door and it was really quiet.

"Um hello?" I called out.

All of a sudden the lights came on and everyone poped out from where they were hiding. They all yelled,"SURPRISE!" I got startled by that. I looked around and everything was decorated. Everyone came running to me giving me hugs and they were happy I was back. In the corner of my eye I saw kaminari giving me a thumbs up. Throughout the night we played games, danced, and had fun. Everyone was either asleep or past out cold on the ground. I was the only one awake. I walked over to where kaminari was and gave him a kiss on the forehead and walked to the roof. I sat there looking up at the midnight sky. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around to see Kaminari. He came to sit next to me.

"Hey, I thought you were asleep so I didn't want to wake you." I said.

"Well the kiss on the forehead did."

We both laughed and I blushed. She smiled and kissed me. I kissed him back. He broke the kiss and cupped my cheeks.

"Kyoka I love you. I have my world in my hands and I never want to let go. I couldn't be happier right here with you. So promise me this will be forever."

I looked at him as out forehead met. "I promise pikachu."

We both layed down on the ground and cuddled. Luckily Kaminari brought a blanket for us.

"I love you Denki."

"I love you more Kyoka."

Then we both drifted to sleep.

That's the end of the story. Hope y'all liked it. Byeee.

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