1: intertwined relationship

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"Among everyone, I will still manage to find you."

Walking through the crowd of people, I find myself looking for Yuqi after losing sight of her right after entering the place. Only to regret coming after she pleaded me to come with her to the party hosted by the school, especially right after she broke up with her boyfriend. I sighed and took a seat at the bar, ordering some juice while still trying to spot Yuqi.

Immediately, he caught my attention. With his family being one of the business partners with my family's business, it was no doubt we met a lot of times when both our family members called us down for dinner.

I didn't like him.

Accompanied with his fortune, his fame was another issue. Girls gathered around him for either or both. However, his attitude was another thing. If his fortune and fame was at one of the extreme end, his attitude would be at the other extreme end. He would make fun of me whenever he had a chance. Whether in school or in front of our parents, he would act before he think.

But why is it that he always manage to catch my attention?

My eyes widen as we made eye contact.

Shit, why are you walking towards me?

Jeon Jungkook

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