2: heartbeat

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"Stop showing excessive care towards me"

All I could do was watch him walk as if in slow motion towards me, all the loud noises in the surroundings disappeared in thin air and all I could hear is my own heartbeat.

"Hyeyoon? What are you doing here, aren't you afraid I'll tell your brother? He questioned me while raising a brow, probably never expecting to see me here.

Did I mention he was friends with my brother, this makes things ten times worse.

"I can be wherever I want to be, I was about to leave anyway." I responded and tried to leave as soon as possible.

Talking to him never had a good outcome anyway.

I was pulled back by him and bumped right into him when he turned my body around. I freed myself from him and glared at him.

"What do you want Jeon Jungkook," I said.

He didn't even respond to me and continue to drag me by the hand to go outside the party, towards the parking lot.

"There's no cars available right now plus, it has already past midnight, it's not safe for you to go home alone," he spoke while we walked.

I couldn't leave yet, I didn't manage to find or text Yuqi yet and I was about to leave without telling her. I fished out my phone from my purse and tried to switch it on. Luck was obviously not on my side, my phone ran out of battery. Thanks to being bored in the party, all I had was me, myself and my phone and I used it to play games.

"Wait, lend me your phone for a moment." I asked.

He gave me the look as if I was talking nonsense.

"Why are you looking at me like this, it's not like I want to see what's inside your phone. I just want to make a phone call," I said impatiently.

"No, and if you don't hurry up now I will tell your brother." He defended.

I rolled my eyes before just getting in his car so that I could faster get home and contact Yuqi.

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