Chapter 1

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(A/N at the end)

Percy's POV

I can't believe it. I'm going to a shool for witches and wizards called Hogwarts. You may be wondering who I am and/or where/how I got here. Well I'm Perseus Jackson two times hero and saviour of olympus, defeater of Kronos and Gaia, and a whole lot more titles but I don't feel like listing them. I'm at the Leaky Cauldron. This is how i got here


I was slashing at dummies in the trainning arena (A/N is that what's it called) when all of a sudden i heared a high pitch scream near the border. My first thought as I ran to see what was going on: must be a new half-blood being chased by monsters. My second thought: he's probably a child of aphrodite. I got over Half-Blood Hill to see a kid around my age being chased by the smallest baby hellhound ever. The kid ran behind me as i quickly killed the thing. he then pushed me to the ground and took my sword as a crowd started to gather. He started yelling "I killed them! I killed them all! while he just stood there scared!" and started to exagerate the story how there was 20 hellhounds. I tuned out. Then i relized how much he looked like me. He had black hair and sea green eyes. The diffrince was he was extreamly scrawny. 'Great' I thought ' I have a half-brother with a huge ego.' Sure enough a trident appeared over his head. "All hail Kaleb Brozik (A/N Sorry Kiara (my closest friend) son of Poseiden" Chrion said snaping me out of my thoughts I gave him the tour of camp then went to bed. Soon all the campers started treating him like he saved Olympus. Honestly, I was glad he took all my popularity away so now only the seven, Nico, Thillia, and Grover were my only friends. The only problem is Thillia is in the hunt, Grover has Lord of the Wild stuff, Nico is normally in the infirmary with Will, Jason is switching between camps, Piper is teaching children of Aphrodite to fight, Leo is always with Calypso, Hazel and Frank are in New Rome, and Annabeth is still designing Olympus. Eventuly they even started drifting away so now it was only Annabeth,Nico, Grover, and Thillia. That was until I came back from a quest to gain Athena's aprovole of marring her daughter. I had the ring in my pocket the Hephateas built. (A/N imagin what it looks like) I looked all around camp and i counldn't find her. I went to the beach to see my brother making out with someone. I was about to walk away when I heard my brother say " I love you Annabeth" I froze. Surely she wouldn't cheat on me. "I love you to! You are way better than Percy." It was defently her. I pulled out the ring and dropped it in the sand and walked away to my cabin and started crying. All of a sudden the was a bright light and I was standing on Olympus. I bowed. "Rise Perceus, we are aware that most of your friends at Camp Half-Blood betrayed you including the Athena spawn," Zues began. Athena looked down in shame of her daghter. "You are here because we wish to make you a champion of Olympus. Do you accept?" I nodded not sure what being a champion of Olympus means. Then al 14 Olympians ( after the giant war I asked them to make Hades and Heista Olympians) had glowing orbs and threw them at me. It hurt. A lot. After the pain died down and i could stand agan Zues said "You have the blessing of all of us which means you have the same power as our childre except for your father's which just increased your power to a godly level, Artemis' is the same as the hunt, and Hestia's which is you can control and summon all kinds of fire, teleport using flames, and make home cooked meals out of nothing." I nodded my head I felt slightly inoined with all this power. (A/N I just relized i frogot to say Hera's is that he can fix any family problem) "I am also joining title of Prince of the Sea with you and Triton" my father said. "Thanks" was all I managed to say. "You have two choises of where you could stay. You could stay at Camp Jupiter or a school for witches and wizards." I thought about it. If I went to Camp Jupiter I could see Frank, Hazel, and Reyna but if they heard what happend they might start a war with the greeks because it is against their laws to depose a leader without a vote which i don't want "I will go to the school" I said. "Alright Hetacate will explain more and take you to get your supplies, you are dismissed." all the gods flashed out and hetacate flashed in. "Lady Hetacate" I bowed. "please no need to bow. I will flash you to a wizaring pub called the Leaky Cauldron where you will stay until school starts and I will explain more about the school and wizarding world when we get there" we flashed in, she got me a room and explained how the school is called Hogwarts and about an evil wizard that was recently killed by Harry Potter.

                                                                  'End of Flashback~

Thats how I got here. She gave me here blessing. (whats with gods and giving me power today) We are going to get my school supplies tomorrow. I soon fell a sleep.

(A/N sorry bad at flashbacks and im really bad at spelling gods names. I also frogot to mention earlier if by some mirical someone wanted to use this go ahead its nice to know you liked it so much. I dont own anything except the plot)

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