Chapter 2

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(A/N I will do an authors note in the beging and/or end for now on because I forgot to mention the Percy killed Geia not Leo. Also some characters didn't die in the war against Voldemort here that did in the Harry Potter books)

Harry's POV

I woke up to Mrs.Weasly yelling "Get ready to get your school supplies" I got up and got ready hurridly cause I was excited to get our school supplies. Ron, Herimone, and I are retaking are 7th year along with others because of the was we didn't get a 'proper education'. I ran down to eat breakfast. I've been staying in the Burrow ever since the war and Herimone is here three times a week atleast..

We traveled to Diogan Alley using flow powder. We were discusing who are Defence against dark arts will be. "I think it should be Harry. We all know he had the most practice." Ron said causing me to blush. "I heard that someone from America is coming to teach." "Really?" I asked Herimone who nodded her head "Said so in the Daily Prophet aperently he isn't 'one of are kind'" "So he is a squid" Ron asked "No I don't think thats what the mean" "Then what do you think" I asked she shook her head " I don't know" we were by Ollivanders now and I noticed someone walk in who I never seen before. Ron and Herimone started arguing so I pulled out my invisibility cloack and snuck in. I noticed he had black hair and sea green eyes and had a very powerful aruara. The lady next to him had (Dont know if this is true) blonde hair and violet eyes and had an aurara not quite as powerful as the guy but almost,

"Hello Mr.Jackson an Lady Hetacate what can I do for you" Olliver asked. The one who's last name is Jackson looked confused as to why he knew his name. Olliver seemed to notice the and chuckled " You are quite popular her as well as the mythical world. You are not as popular as that Potter boy but close" he groaned and mumbled "great" the lady who he called hetacate said "We need a wand for Perceus he will be staying at Hogwarts this year" "Oh yes I have an idea of which wand is for you but to know for sure try this one" he handed Perceus a wand and the moment it touched his hand it burt to ash. He looked startaled 'Uh sorry I di-" he was cut of by Olliver saying " Theres no need to be sorry I have been saving that wand for that purpose, it was the second most powerful wand to be created so it will burn because of the Prince of the Sea being so powerful now let me get you wand" he disapeared in the back the reappeared a few minutes later. "Ah yes 11 inches long made out of drift wood and has a core of a hippocampi scale and a pegusus feather go on give it away" He waved it then all of a sudden it smelled like the ocean. He tried paying for it but Olliver refused to let him and he waled out. I followed thinking about what Olliver said about him being to powerful for the wand.

(A/N Yay two chapters and the description in one day. I'm done for today. I will try to update every day cause i got no homework anyways after school. im in 7th grade if you are wondering and comment if you think Percy should be introduced as a demigod or try to hide it. also sorry this chapter is bad but i really wanted to post and as i just relized this sorry for it being so short I own only the plot)

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