Chapter 3

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(A/N I HAVE NO SCHOOL TODAY!!!!!!!!! Since I'm excited because of no school this is either going to be a long chapter or im going to write multipul chapters cause i have nothing to do all day except read)

Percy's POV

I was suprised to hear that I was actually popular in the wizarding world. I was even more suprised when the wand burned at my touch. I packed my things and apparated (Hetacate taught me all the magic I need to know and some advance stuff) (No she taught you every single type of magic there is you just don't know Hehehehe sorry) I am really good at potions and dueling. Sorry getting sidetracked. Stupid ADHD. I apparated (That was actually me getting sidetracked there I think I have ADHD though I was never tested for it SORRY got sidetracked from the story again) to hogwarts express. I find a compartment mostly empty. It only has two guys and two girls. One of the girls had frizzy brown hair and brown eyes. The other girl had red hair, blue eyes and some freckles. one of the guys looks like the girl's brother he had red hair, blue eyes, and freckles also. the other guy looked like me except scrawnier. He had black hair and green eyes, except they were emerald green instead of sea green.

They seamed ( Is that even a word) to be in a heated conversation. I akwardly cleared my throat. "Uh, all the other compartments are full do you mind if I sit here." "Of course not. I'm Herimone." the girl with brown hair said. "Thanks, I'm Percy" she nodded " This is Ginny, Ron, and Harry." Harry looked at me as if expecting a reaction. Then I relized he was Harry Potter, the dude who defeated Voldemort. "Cool" Harry looked releaved that I didn't react to his name. I knew what he felt like. " So tell me about your self" Harry asked I noticed he was looking where my SPQR tatto was slightly showing. I quickly covered it up not sure if he would see it as it is or as the dark mark. "Well I wasn't supposed to tell anyone this but I will be your new DADA teacher" "Really thats so cool" Herimone said that. She was practicly jumping up and down in here seat. "What are we going to be learning" She reminded me of Annabeth. Excited to learn something new. 'Stop" I scolded my self 'you need to forget here' "Well I can't tell you that yet" "you still haven't told us about yourself" I sighed. He probably thinks I'm a deatheater (I almost put demigod there for some reason lol) "You will find out when we get there"

The rest of the ride past uneventful. I had a hard time sitting still because of my ADHD. I didn't know what to get when the snack cart came by so i just got one of everything. it seamed like forever until Herimone said we should get are robes on. So Harry, Ron, and I went into a difrent compartment to change in our robes. We finnally got to Hogsmead station (Is that what its called it has been awhile since I read Harry Potter and since I forgot to put this earlier I'm not sure that is what the look like and I'm bad at describing people) We walked up to caridges pulled by these beautiful horse like creatures. I could understand them. They were just talking to each other. "what are those" I asked Herimone. She looked supprised i asked that question. "They are thresals, they can only be seen by someone who seen someone die." "Oh" no wonder she was supprised i asked that question. "Who did you see die" "Um I-" "Sorry shouldn't have asked" Obviously seeing my discomfort. "Its okay I just.....don't really want to talk about it" she nodded. I couldn't explain right now how I had fought in two wars and seen alot of people die. We were quiet for the rest of the way there when a huge castle came into view. It painfuly reminded me of Annabeth. She would of loved the arcutectior ( I could not spell that word if my life depended on it but I bet I spelled that word correctly somewhere else)

I sighed. This was not going to help me forget her. I followed the first years to the great hall to get sorted.I hope I get Griffiondor. ( I just randomly thought about this but I just relized I'm pretty sure I forgot to make him Heista's champion) Soon all the first years are done being sorted. The headmistress stood up. "Now as you all know we are going to have a new defence against dark arts teacher" A lot of students looked excited " First I must ask dose anyone know anything about greek mythology" Herimone and a few Ravenclaws raised there hands.

Harry's POV (bet you didn't expect that)

When Mgonall (I don't know how to spell it) ask about greek mythology Herimone and a few Ravenclaws raised there hands. "Herimone can you explain it to everyone" She lanched into a long explimation about the gods and stuff. "But what dose this have to do with anything" Herimone asked. I was wondering the samething. I noticed the new DADA teacher standing ( He is standing where ever the first years stand cause I don't know) "Well what it has to do with anything is that its real and the gods follow the westeren civilization and are curently in America and like Herimone explained hey sometimes have children with muggles or as they call them mortals and they are called demigods. Your new DADA teacher is a demigod. Actually the most powerful demigod to exsist" She paused. I was shocked and judging by the silence in the room everyone was to "Now treat him with respect he has be through more than Harry has here and if you want to here his story he is willing to tell it after his class wich is going to be after all the other classes he will attend all the other classes with what ever house he gets sorted in. So Perceus please come forward" "call me percy please" He corrected

He started walking up to the hat. When he was within a foot of the hat it screamed. "GRIFFINDOR GRIFFINDOR DO NOT PUT ME ON HIS HEAD" Everyone was silent before eveyone clapped. The Griffindor table being the loudest. How had he been sorted that fast it wasn't even on his head. He walked over and sat with us. The food appeared on the table. one I couldn't eat anymore I walked up to the common room with Percy. "password" The fat lady asked "Poseidon's master bolt" ( I had to do that) Percy Burst  out laughing "What" I asked him "N-n-nothing" He manage to get out. We walk in Ron, Herimone, and Ginny came in a couple minuts later. "So what's your story" I was shocked he didn't know. Then I remembered he is't a wizard. I told him everything. He was a good listener. "How are you going to teach us DADA if you are not a wizard and can't do magic" He smiled " Now who said I can't do magic" he pulled out his wand and did a partarnous. It was a pegusus. "Why is your partarnous a pegusus" herimone asked that of course "She forgot to tell you my godly parent is Poseidon god of the seas, earthquakes, and creator of horses." "Oh do you have powers" "yea I can breathe underwater, control/heal/freeze/control tempature/create water, and cause earthquakes" "What did Mgoall mean you have been through more than Harry" Ron asked that "If you want to find out about that you will have to wait for after class tomorrow, now I'm going to bed goodnight"

(That was a long chapter and I might do more please comment and vote expecialy if you want me to do something in this book. I only own the plot)

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