Full Moon

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It was 2 weeks into their life at Hogwarts. Remus woke up early that morning despite not feeling well. Tonight was his first full moon at Hogwarts. Professer Mcgonagall had of course explained everything to him about where he would be and how it was protected.

He pushed himself out of bed and walked into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and brushing his teeth before walking back out dressed in his robes.

Sirius was up second, to him it was because when he's at home he gets punished if he sleeps in to long. Which of course he would hide that from his friends as long as he could. He was grateful he had managed to hide the cruel letters his mother has already sent him for being sorted into Gryffindor.
After Sirius and Remus were mostly ready James awoke and got dressed. Soon after Peter did as well.

The day of classes went along pretty normal other than the splitting pain Remus felt in his head as his teachers dragged on and on about their subjects.
As of right now the boys were in Transfiguration.

"Remus," Sirius whispered to the boy behind him. He was sat next to James, Peter was next to Remus.

"What?" He whispered back.

"Want to join James and I with pranking Slughorn later?" He asked hopeful. Remus of course would love to help with the prank but he was feeling extremely exhausted.

"Sorry Sirius I want to do my Homework later."

"You're no fun." Sirius complained.

"Mr. Black, Mr. Lupin, if you would please turn your attention back to my lesson." Mcgonagall snapped, pulling the boys out of the quiet conversation.

"Sorry Professor," Remus said quietly.
Throughout the rest of the class the two boys already convinced Peter to join their antics, while Remus just agreed that he would help another day.

On top of all of his work Remus had been roaming the castle in his free time. At the start of the year they were each given a map of the school to find their classes which Remus ended up keeping after he started finding small secret doors or cubby spaces. He started writing them on his map, he also wrote on the map which stair cases moved so he wouldn't forget. It was like his little secret that he knew and kept finding more hidden passageways and hideouts in the school.

It was now after dinner and instead of walking back to the Gryffindor tower where he could curl up with a book by the fire, or he could play around with his friends in their shared dorm, he was walking to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey awaited his arrival of course as she was to take him down to the Whomping Willow where he would be for the night.

"Hello dear ready to go?" She asked softly. Remus just nodded knowing he had to either way. She lead the way on the grounds to the tree. When they arrived Mcgonagall was waiting. Remus watched surprised as she transformed into a cat and ran to the tree, tapping a small knot in the trunk and the tree stopped long enough to let them through and into it.

They walked down a long path and ended up in a small beat up house. Remus hoped no one would hear his screams tonight. He thanked both Professor Mcgonagall and Madam Pomfrey before they left. He could hear them put spells on the place before leaving. He took a seat on a bed that was in the corner of the room. The moon was going to be out soon and he was not excited.

Only ten minutes went by before the moon started appearing in the sky. Remus gasped in pain as his bones began to crack all over his body. He screamed in pain as his bones grew and his organs shifted. His nails turned into claws as he scratched deep wounds into his arms and legs, blood starting to gush but nothing he could do about it other than scream. The long night had begun, which of course he wouldn't remember any of it the next morning, he never does.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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