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Thursday nights are awful. Something about the name 'Thursday' made you gag for some odd reason. You just couldn't wait for a good ol' Friday to roll up; just singing and rap battling people for fun, it's what this city is known for! And you wouldn't trade it for anything, really.

"What'cha thinkin' about?", Pico asked you, cleaning his gun with a wet napkin.

Oh, right.
You were currently sitting with Pico on a garbage bin. That was actually your favorite place to hang out with people, since this garbage bin was huge and didn't belong to anybody really, and only cool old stuff was thrown out in there, so it was basically a big treasure chest.
"Oh- Nothing, really", you lied, but Pico could see through your lies.
"Mhm. Not buying it", he said back, turning his gun around and cleaning the other parts. "Spit it out, I'll listen", this time he looked at you. "I just really hate Thursdays", furrowing his eyebrows, Pico laughed. "That's what got you lookin' so upset babe? You're unbelievable, really", he commented, snorting.
It wasn't uncommon for him to call you 'babe'. It's kind of like a nickname, you're best friends.

"Not just that, I met a guy yesterday. At the skate park", you say as a matter of factly. "Ooh, I'm all ears now", Pico smirks and put his gun back in place.
"No no! Nothing like that", you blushed a slight pink, "You actually won't believe it"
You awaited his response. "What, someone famous?", he raised a brow. "Yup! It was-", you look around and whispered, "Whitty", Pico smiled at that. "Ohh, that bastard. Yeah, no. Don't mess around with him. Shit, did he hurt you?", Pico gave you a sharp look, really worried. "No Pico, you don't understand", you sighed. "Whitty is a good person, it was Daddy Dearest who messed up. Did you ever hear Cherry complain about him? He was accused of molesting her for God's sake!", you pulled your hair out of frustration. "You two talked?", Pico gave a sceptical look and full turned his body towards you. "Um, yeah we talked", you crossed your arms and huffed. "And he's a really good guy, you just feel like you can rely on him, y'know?", "Yeah,
feel like", Pico added and sighed. "Listen sugar tits, you got a point. With Cherry I mean. But you watch yourself and what you're doing, okay?", he talked to you seriously, not breaking eye contact. "I will, I will! Jeez", you rolled your eyes at him. "And if he ever, and I mean EVER lay lays a finger on you, you come to me. Okay?", he raised his eyebrows, his arm laying on his knee now. "I will. I promise", you scratch your hand. Was he seriously that worried for you because of Whitty?
"Good. Then I have no problem with you hanging out with him", he relaxed and took his gun out again. All right!
"Uhm, I was actually thinking about introducing him to all of you..."
"I'm sorry- you what",
Pico was very hard to convince, but you finally did it. He said he'd meet Whitty!

You two parted ways after a bro-hug, and  now you're walking home.
The streets were pretty much empty, but that was more enjoyable. Your phone buzzed. The message was from...


You couldn't stop the happiness sparkling in your body. He actually texted you first! Now you were eager to get home, speeding up to not leave him on 'seen' for too long.

You made it! You took your shoes and jacket off, and plopped yourself on your couch.




I was just gon ask,
u coming to the fnf?

Yea, why

I am too. I wanna clear
my name and start
from the beginning 



You couldn't believe it.
Now you were excited to go. He's going to go on stage, not as Whitty, but as Whitty Bomb. I'm going to make sure to go extra early tomorrow, I want to talk to him about this.

You two texted about it and he's coming at 9:00PM sharp. That's when Friday Night Funk starts, I guess he doesn't want to get talked to.
You were going at 8:50PM, since you didn't have a reason to be early anymore.

You wished eachother a good night - oh, you're going to bed. You can't wait for tomorrow!

The Monster Can - Whitty x reader Where stories live. Discover now