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A/N: Welcome to the prologue, where we get to make you confused until later into the book when we reveal it.

Night is a AuroraWing and so is North. One of my FanTribes. Fun fact: they were originally called NorthernWings.

Ok enough of me talking just- SHUT UP ME

Night walked through the palace.

He was finally in charge.

Echo was gone. So NO ONE could question him.

"King Night?" North stepped into view. North was probably the most annoying dragon in the palace. He had no idea why Echo let her work. "Where's Queen Echo?"

"Dead," Night said. "She's dead. So I'm in charge now."

"What about Princess Star?" North asked.

Night froze. He forgot about his daughter Star.

"She died with Echo," Night lied. I'll have to deal with that later to make that true.

"Oh!" North started jumping on her talons. "We should ask everyone who wants to be queen! Then we do a competition! Like the RainWings once did!"

"NO!" Night roared. This dragon was impossible! "Sheesh! I make the decisions now! And you need to GO."

North stumbled back. "Sorry, King Night!" North ran away.

Night continued walking. Pyhirria. He needed scrolls on there. The REALLY old ones.

Night made his way into the libary and looked through them. The AuroraWing war! Where is it?

Night pulled out a scroll. Nope, not that one.

He sighed. "So I have to go even FARTHER BACK? The SCHORCHING? SERIOUSLY?"

Night went to the farthest end of the shelf. All the scrolls were ordered to most recent to oldest, even though the old ones were remade regularly so then they didn't turn to dust.

So it must be this one. He pulled out the farthest scroll. And it was it.

So what tribe betrayed us? Not NightWings... not RainWings... ah.

There it was. The tribe that betrayed them. They seemed to have a good talent for making enemies though.

Echo would never let me do this. That's why I did this to her.

It's time for my revenge.


North ran though the halls. She JUST saw Star before she ran into Night. She couldn't have died that fast.

Don't be dead already! Please!

North emerged into her room. Her nose was in a scroll, like always.

"Star!" North breathed. "Night is out to kill you!"

Star looked up immediately. "WHAT? What did mother do about it?"

"I think he killed her. He wants power. So there can't be any heirs."

Star was shaking now. "What do I do?"

North thought. "What if we tried to give you to my parents? They were followers of Echo; they would protect you. We would need to change your name though."

"I'll do it," Star said, standing up. "As soon as I pack my scrolls."

"STAR!" North exclaimed. "We don't have time! He can be coming right now!"

"Fine! I'll bring my favourite!" Star grabbed the scroll she was reading. "Alright, let's go."

North nodded. "Get ready to start a new life."

The Last Decade ~ A Wings of Fire FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now