Chapter One

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A/N: Chapter oneeeeee!
Who is the mysterious tribe Night wants revenge on OwO
Any guesses?
Anyway, here is Holly! This is a lot of a flashback just to show what happened and how Holly became queen. It's more a informative chapter then anything, but there's a bit of dialogue.
See you later!

Every dragonet usually dreamed of being queen. Every. Single. One. They always did. Until they became queen, and then they hated it.

Queen Holly was one of those dragonets.

As a dragonet, she and some others would play a game where someone killed a queen, then the princess became queen and rescued them all. Holly was the dragonet who always was the princess.

She always looked forward to being queen.

Until her mother was killed by an assassin LeafWing, and she had to be queen.


It was finally the night. Queen Neige have finally formed an alliance with the LeafWings. It was the royal dinner to celebrate it.

"Are LeafWings going to be there?" Holly asked Polynya as they walked down the ice halls. "I have never seen a LeafWing before!"

Polynya thought for a moment. "There should be. I don't think Queen Maple will be though. Something about a few HiveWings attacking."

"Huh," Holly said. "Well, I'm excited! Real LeafWings! Not ones just in books! Oh, I need to ask about the legend of Sundew!"

Polynya snorted.

Soon the royal dinner began, and Holly was already trying to memorize every single LeafWing in the room. Real LeafWings! She might never get this opportunity again!

She tried leaning to the nearest LeafWing. "What do you know about the legend of Sundew?" She asked.

"Oh, that?" The LeafWing asked. "Next time we meet, I'll give you a scroll on it! I can never remember the details!"

"Thanks!" Holly resisted the urge to hug the LeafWing. Her mother had given Holly and Polynya a huge talk about how they had to act very royal and like the "old IceWing way". So that included no hugging, jumping out of your seat in excitement, and no talking unless the queen gave you permission.

"What's your name?" The LeafWing asked. "I'm Pine." He smiled.

"I'm Holly!" She said. "Hey, we are both leaf names!"

Pine laughed. "That's true!"

Then faster than a blink, a green flash flew across the room, sliced Queen Neige's throat with a disk, then jumped out the nearest window.

The royal dinner turned into an uproar.

"Holly!" Pine exclaimed. "What happened? I don't know, but follow them! You can fit through the window!"

"What if they kill me too?" Holly squeaked.


Holly jumped out and poked her head out the window. Nobody killing her so far.

Holly jumped all the way out and looked around. Green should be easy to find in the snow. But there was nothing.

She checked the air. No green against the blue. They were gone.

"I can't find them!" Holly said, looking back in.

"That's it!" Polynya exclaimed. "Our alliance is over!"

Holly and Pine exchanged sad looks. They just met, already made plans, and now it was over.

"Who's the queen?" A IceWing exclaimed. Holly recognized them as her cousin. Her name was Glacier in hourner of the Glacier who died of the plague.

Holly hutched her wings. "I guess it needs to be Polynya. She's the oldest."

"HOLD ON," Polynya said. "Just because I'm the oldest doesn't mean I want to be queen!"

Glacier shrugged. "It's between you two. My mother wasn't ever going to let me challenge aunt (blank) anyway.

Polynya and Holly exchanged looks.

"Aren't you the one who always takes the role of the dramatic princess?" Polynya asked. "Then you would have practice I guess. Your queen."

"What!?" Holly felt joy in every muscle of her body. She was queen! She would be the one who protected her subjects! Everyone would bow to her and trust her! She would be AWESOME.

But then, month after month, she hated it even more...


Holly was in the libary. Again. She always tried to find scrolls from queens that were queen too early as well. She already found lots from Snowfall. There was something that was an inspiring speech from before they went to war with the NightWings, one about destroying some IceWing traditions and why, and other stuff.

She was definitely an awesome queen.

Not like Holly. Holly couldn't keep track of every dragon she saw, and she couldn't remember seeing Polynya that day. She actually didn't see her all week.

"Your reading again?"

Holly turned around. Subzero was standing there, which was VERY ANNOYING. He showed up at the WORST TIMES, whenever Holly couldn't take anything more.

"Yes," Holly snapped. "It helps. Maybe it would help if you read sometimes."

Subzero laughed. "And be an idiot like you? No thanks!"

"GET OUT OF HERE!" Holly nearly screamed. She looked back in a scroll. "Leave me alone! One of my best scouts said that a huge LeafWing invasion is coming! I need to prepare!"

"It seems like our idiot Holly has forgotten about the Forbidden Treasury." Subzero teased.

"I REMEMBER it," Holly growled. "But it's forbidden! Only magic a good queen can use! I'm terrible! I couldn't use it!" She remembered when her mother brought her and Polynya down. Polynya found it fascinating. Holly thought it was overall creepy.

"But what if it's the only way to win the war?" Subzero asked. "Would you take the risk? Or are you selfish and only worried about yourself? Or are you too weak?"

"I'm afraid it will affect the WHOLE TRIBE," Holly buried her face in her talons. "I have thought over all the options! I just need to keep reading!"

"Alright," Subzero said as he walked away. But she couldn't get his words out of her head.

What if I am too weak?

A/N: I hate Subzero so much smh
Remember that Holly doesn't know where Polynya is
It's important to the story
See you later!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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