Part IV - The Compromise

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The sun was shining on me that moment. Not only was I absorbing the warmth of the sun through my tan skin, but I also had a feeling of hope. A feeling that the sun was shining on me, but in a different sense. I felt as though something unbelievable was going to happen.

I rolled over onto my side and began doodling in the soft sand. It sparkled in the sunlight as I pushed the grains around. South of my bare feet, the sea rose and fell without a care in the world. My strawberry blonde hair flew around my face as a strong trade wind blew off the waves. I sat up to correct it, pushing it off my cheeks.

I decided I should get out of the sun so I wouldn’t burn. I brushed the sticky sand off my tattered clothes and made my way into the depth of the humid jungle. I stepped over vines scattered across the dirt floor and glance around me. Beams of sunlight hit the ground through the lofty trees, lighting up my dirty toes as I walked away from the loud beach. Birds called to each other, perched on the branches extending from the thick trunks. I wished I could understand what they were saying--to be able to call back and speak with them.

I reached the small creek my group had stopped at a few times before. Kneeling down on the bank, I splashed the freshwater onto my face. A dragonfly flitted past me, its wings humming. I was thankful for the silence. Jared and Tori’s constant arguing was getting old, and I was all so willing to remove myself from it at any chance I could.

Standing up, I stepped down in the river, removing the dirt from my feet. I walked up river a little ways, taking in the quiet. A faint sound caught my ears. It sounded like yelling, or rather, excitement. A horn blew behind the commotion, making my heart race to see what was out there. I knew I had to hurry back.

I dashed out of the river and started back down the path. Emerging onto the bright beach, my eyes squint at the sudden blinding light. I stumbled down the beach to the huge group that had begun to form near the shore. One boy stood elevated above the rest, trying to calm the gathering down. I searched until I spotted Nathan amidst the crowd and jogged over to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and smiled down at me. My heart raced.

“Alright everyone,” the boy begged, “calm down, please!” Someone hushed everyone and silence fell over the group.

“Thank you,” he continued, “As you can all see, we have been located.” All eyes turned towards several bearded men next to a medium sized fishing boat. They waved.

“The good news is we are going to get home.” A cheer erupted from the crowd.

“The bad news is only some of us will.” The crowd grew quiet once again.

“What about the others?” someone asked, alarmed.

“Another boat will be sent, don’t worry.”


The boy glanced at the fishermen. They shrugged.

“Sometime soon, then.” the boy decided.

“Who’s going to go today then?” someone piped up.

The boy began to look uncomfortable and rubbed the back of his neck. “We haven’t deci--”

“Who’s we?”


“We get no say in this?”

“Well, I--”

“My group will go!” demanded another boy in the group.

“Says who?” a girl questioned, obviously upset.

The arguing continued, steadily growing louder and louder to the point where I almost had to cover my ears. With my nature, I just remained quiet, observing the others’ quarrelling around me. I noticed the rest of my group intertwined with the others, just as fists began to fly. It started as one boy with dark hair slammed another boy in the cheek. The yelling escalated into screaming as the group spread out and began fighting. Nathan took my hand and led me away towards the border of the trees, concern plastered across his face.

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