Part II - The Midnight Struggle

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“Guys, wake up!” Tori screamed suddenly. My sleep-swollen eyes flashed open, and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest and scrambled away. It was still dark out, the lustery stars twinkling high in the distant sky. The fire was just a smolder, flickering and snapping among the ashy wood we gathered early. My back was sore and numb from lying on the cold dirt near the cave we had found for shelter.

Tori was on her feet, shaking Aarzoo to wake up as a deep growl resonated off the rock walls. Alexis and I flipped around and glanced at each other in alarm. We shot up onto our feet when a six foot long mountain lion prowled around the corner. A low purring came from its chest, and it was obviously unhappy that we were there.

Slowly, we gather together, always facing the cat in case it were to pounce. It was like a Mexican stand-off of sorts, four starving girls against an angry mountain lion.  The odds were not in our favor. The mountain lion stalked over to the entrance of the cave, its paws slapping the hard ground with each step. Us girls made our way away from the cave, making no sudden movements.

“Don’t look it in the eyes,” whispered the all-knowing Alexis. I diverted my eyes down to its giant paws, watching it paced back and forth waiting for us to make a move. My breathing remained at a face pace, but I tried to calm myself down--with no avail. What’s that thing about. . . animals can smell fear? My heart accelerated rapidly with that thought, and small beads of sweat began forming on my face.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Tori make a sudden move towards the cat. The mountain lion’s fur pricked and let a low growl escape--a warning.

“Tori, don’t do it,” I whispered desperately, “We can find another place.”

She shot a glare back at me that told me she wouldn’t give this place up for anything. Alexis gasped and hid her head behind my shoulder.

The mountain lion moved forward, as if to meet Tori half way. The fire light scattered against its sandy fur and the smoke gradually rising from the flames obscured our view of its powerful build.  Tori took another step closer put her arms out, as to prepare to attack it with only her hands.

A obnoxious yelling erupted from down the mountain then, and it came closer and closer until Jared himself came around the corner and into view. His hair was windswept and he looked quite deranged. Abnormally large bags were planted under his eyes and he was very wobbly and clumsy; sleep deprivation from the looks of it. He was a hallucinating freak, to put it in short. He let out a crazed screech, hardly incomprehensible, as he lunged towards the mountain lion. He flung his gaudy gun about, bullets flying in every direction and bouncing off the rocks. Alarm arose and suddenly everything became insane. I noticed Aarzoo dashing down the trail in my peripheral vision, so I made the quick decision to follow.

“Aarzoo, wait!” I yelled to her. She flipped her head around to see me and stopped as I sprinted up to her. “Should we wait for the other girls?”

“Probably,” she replied, “We should probably get their attention though.”

“Good idea. Uhm, would you--er--like to do that?” My eyes darted around in panic.

“I guess I could.” Aarzoo walked back up the trail a bit, leaning around the wall that led to the cave and area in front of it. I heard her yell something to get their attention, but she bolted back down to me when an angry screech came from the mountain lion.

“Angry thing, isn’t it?” she said, catching her breath, “Hopefully they heard me.” Another yell and the sound of bullets being shot wafted down the trail. Lots of grunting and arguing came from the others; but mostly arguing.

“Let me kill the kitty!” demanded Jared, disoriented, “Let me kill it!”

“I don’t think so, mister,” replied Tori, “I do not want you firing that thing anymore. You’re gonna kill someone besides the cat!”

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