A Date

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Just as i pulled back Eric's eyes opened. he seemed confused as he looked around.

"Eric!" Ariel shouted. he turned to face her and smiled

"He sis." he said and opened his arms for her. i stepped back and let them have sometime. i couldn't imagine how she felt about this. almost losing a brother. i stood away form them and just looked out the window, trying not to think about almost losing Eric. but it was hard not to think about it. how many people would have show'd up to his funeral? Would the school have done a memorial for him? How many people would cry? its hard to say. Thats smile of his effects so many people ad his laugh is contagious. How longwouldhis family morn for him? How long would i?

"Rachel." i quickly turn as Eric calls out my name, thankful he pulled me from my thoughts. "Come here." he says. so i crawled into the bed beside him. he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"I missed you." i whispered to him.

"Yeah. Arel said you havn't been home since i got shot. At least now you can say 'my boyfriend took a bullet for me'." he laughed. "So i hear you still need a date for Prom. think its to late to get a tux?" he smiled and i couldn't help but smile back. He was healthy and happy. that made me happy.

"So that was your lame way of asking me to Prom? You can do better." i smirked and he just laughed

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