My Best Friends Brother

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"Ariel!" i called out my best friends name she turned to me and smiled.

"Hey, you ready to go? Erics waiting." Ariel says.

"Wait, why is Eric coming?" i said

"Because our mom says he needs to get out of the house. Whats up with you two, you act like you hate each other."

"hate isn't the word. I guess it makes that promise a little easier to keep." i said with clenched teeth.

"Yeah i guess i should have waited to make you promise not to date my brother until i figured this out." Ariel said as we walked to Erics car. he was sitting in the driver's seat pretending not to notice us getting in the car. as i climbed into the back seat behind the passenger seat, i slapped the back of Erics head. He turned to face me.

"Dont touch me nerd." he said and turned back as i stuck my tongue out at him. Ariel sighed.

"Hold on i forgot my phone." Ariel says getting back out of the car and going into the house and as soon as she disappeared behind the door, Eric turned to face me with a smile on his face.

"I missed you girl, come here." he says and i lean forward so he can kiss me. he runs his fingers down my face. He turns back just as Ariel comes back outside. he smirks at me in the mirror before putting that frown back on his face.

I'll admit what Eric and i are doing is wrong. we promised her we wouldn't date each other but we couldn't help it. it was exhausting having to sneak around behind her back but we did what needed to be done. i just hoped Ariel never found out.

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