Chapter 10: Cupcakes and Secrets

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Mason's POV
I'm going to try to ignore the fact that those two faced girls stole Lauren's journal and have threatened to spread it around the whole school. I'm just going to worry about S&E. That's all I have to worry about. This next part does not take place at school. It takes place at a bakery.
This bakery is where me and Lauren meet up every Saturday. We've been doing this ever since we became friends. What we do is we buy a dozen donuts and some juice, and discuss what happened this past week.
"Wow, what a week," I said as I took a sip of my orange juice.
"You're telling me," Lauren said in response.
This whole thing has really ticked me off. It ticked everyone off. But Lauren looks like she wants to shove someone out of a twenty story window. Or herself. Pick or choose.
We were talking about how stupid the principal is for thinking that he'd get rid of all the band programs in the district.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Anna and her clique heading for the bakery. The only place where me and Lauren can talk in private. Thank goodness Lauren didn't notice. It else she would've flipped the table.
I heard them walking in and I immediately went into turtle mode. I acted like I was never there.
"I'll be right back," Lauren said. "I'm going to get the coffee cake and hot chocolate."
"No problem." I said watching her get in the mile long line.
As you can tell, we eat a lot on Saturdays. I feel your judgement.
The clique was getting closer. Jerad walked into the bakery. I invited him to eat with us to tell him about band and how stuff works. Mostly warning him about certain people. From what I know, he had two classes with me and three classes with Lauren.
He sat down at our table. I realized he's a bit taller than me. He has these bright blue glasses that stand out. They look like Lauren's, just a different color. That's what really stood out to me.
We started talking. He seemed pretty cool. He's confident like Lauren and positive like Sarah. I was about to get to the important part when Anna finally got to our destination. She had a coffee in one hand and a donut in the other.
Sadly, she started talking.
"Hey Jerad, why are you hanging out with this loser?" She snickered.
Lauren finally got out of line and back to the table. She wasn't too pleased that Anna was standing at our table. She knew it wasn't something good. She'd be right. It was never something good.
Anna opened her mouth again.
"Correction, why are you hanging out with two losers?"
"Hey Anna," Lauren started. "How about you speak for yourself."
That shut her up really quick. She went to a different table and started pigging out on her donut. Why do guys chase after her? I've never been attracted to her. That's because...never mind.
Jade walked in like she normally does at this time. She usually sits by herself unless me and Lauren sit with her on rare occasion. Every other time she sits alone. It's kind of sad.
Me, Lauren, and Jerad finished up our conversation on band. Then we just started having a really random conversation about Pokémon. Every conversation I have with Lauren suddenly turns into a conversation about Pokémon. I have no idea why.
Jerad turned around to see that Jade was sitting by herself at the corner table in the bakery.
"I'll be right back." Jerad said with an indescribable face.
He got up and got in line which was shorter than it had been earlier.
He was ordering something. I wasn't sure what until they handed it to him.
It was a bright indigo cupcake that you can see from a mile away. Among the frosting was blue and white sprinkles shaped like stars. In the very center of the tasty treat was a yellow star with a smiley face that was about an inch tall.
It looked delicious in my opinion. He started to head over to Jade's table with the very happy looking cupcake.
Anna wasn't paying attention to where he was headed with the cupcake. She kept on staring at him like how I stare at...never mind.
Jerad set the cupcake in front of Jade with a smile almost identical to the smile of the star on the cupcake. After he set it down, he pulled up a seat right across from her. Jade was happy to see him. Usually Jade is never happy to see anybody. What factor of Jerad being there make her happy? It's the happiest I've seen her in a long, long time.
"Hi Jerad," Jade said with a sore throat. "What are you doing here?"
"Lauren and Mason invited me here," he began. "They wanted to give me the 411 on band"
"Cool. I'm just here because I go here every Saturday to get some coffee cake and milk."
"Why do you come here alone?"
"All my other friends are doing something else on Saturdays."
"I can hang out here with you if you'd like."
Jade froze for two seconds then finally gave an answer.
"Sure," she responded "a tuba can talk to another tuba, right?"
Anna got out of her state of confusion and darted towards the table. She looked not so pleased to see Jade talking to Jerad. Why is that?
As Jade was lifting up the cupcake to take her first bite, Anna snatched it out of her hands. Jade looked confused. As did Jerad.
Jerad started to talk.
"Why'd you take Jade's cupcake?"
"Oh, I'm sorry Jerad," Anna spoke. "I'll just give it back to her."
Anna pulled the cupcake back, and proceeded to shove the perfectly good cupcake into Jade's face.
Jade hasn't looked so ticked off in her life. She probably has never had a cupcake shoved in her face. I definitely have. Long story that I don't have time for.
Lauren stood up.
I stopped her.
"Lauren sit down," I said calmly. "Only get into the situation if it's at the worst it can get to."
She slowly sat back down with her arms crossed.
I turned back to the situation.
But it kept on getting worse and worse.
"Jade did not deserve that," Jerad spoke. "If anything, you deserve a good cupcake shoved in your face for what you have done."
Anna ran silent. Then she took her steaming hot coffee and dumped it all over Jade's head.
"That's it," Lauren spoke loudly. "It's time Anna got a taste of her own medicine."
Lauren stood up and walked to Anna with flames in her eyes. She's clearly fed up with people harassing her friends.
"Excuse me," Lauren moderately screamed. "No one deserves a hot coffee to their head with the exception of you."
"Yeah Anna," I finally said. "You should have a hot beverage poured on your head and see how it feels. I hope you'd melt."
Lauren took my words literally. She found someone's caramel mocha and dumped it on Anna's head. She had a devilish grin on her face the entire time.
"You do one more thing," Anna angrily said. "Both your secrets go out right here right now."
Jade's face was as red as a tomato. After a moment of silence, Anna started to walk out.
Jade apparently couldn't hold her anger. She grabbed a powdered donut, and threw it at Anna's head. Anna came to a complete stop. And proceeded to walk in the middle of the store. We were all giving Jade the death stare.
Anna took a sharp turn and went to the mic. She picked it up.
"Hey everyone." She devilishly said. "Lauren was going to tell this to you but she told me to tell it for her. She wanted to tell you guys that she was the one who got kissed by Zach in fifth grade."
Lauren ran under a table looking like she wanted to stop her pulse right there. I don't blame her. I was the only one she told that secret to.
Anna was not done talking.
"Oh, and Mason wanted to tell you guys something as well. Mason wanted to tell you guys that he has a massive crush on his own best friend. That's right. Mason Theleck likes Lauren James."
Everyone just stared at me. I wanted to die. I just stood there.
Jerad walked up to me and went on to pat me on the shoulder.
Me and Jerad just walked out of the door as Jade followed.
Jade shouldn't have done anything.
Yes, I was in shock that my secret was out.
But the thought of knowing that band will be removed from the district was even more traumatizing.

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