Chapter 3: wow

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Mason's POV
Clair must've really done something to set Lauren off. Lauren never gets like that. I would know. She's one of my best friends in the entire world. She's a really good flute player. The best one at that. I think Clair deserved that blow to the head. I wonder what's happening in that office right now.
You know, band is the only thing I'm confident in. Everything else, I'm as quiet as a mouse. Even though I look unsure with everything all the time, on the inside, I feel the same as Lauren. Underestimated. Angry. Confused.
The principal is torturing us. I'll tell you the story.
We were having an anti bullying assembly at school one day. He was saying how no one should get bullied. No matter who they are or what they believe in. He had us write down an incident of bullying we have seen before.
Then he started reading them out.
One of the snobs (choir students) wrote down this. "I saw a band student bullying a choir student." And you wanna know who she listed off as the bully. Me. And I got detention for next week (side note: I never bullied her). But when I wrote down she was bullying me,(which is true), he didn't believe me.
I had to rant for a moment I'm sorry.
So as for what Lauren did. I thought she did something that none of us had the guts to do. We were all thinking it. I give her props.
That also may have to do with that I may have high feelings for her, but let's not get into that. That's for another time.
I've been sitting in math class listening to the rain patter. I started counting how many sixteenth notes I can fit into the pattern. I've officially gone crazy. Then one of those choir snobs went at it again.
"Teacher, Mason's tapping his pencil again." Said Kate, the head choir snob.
"Mason, stop. This is not band class." The teacher said sternly.
I wish it were band class. I wish it was band class all day and every day.
People are so cruel.
So apparently that little brat snatched the sheet music I dropped (S&E music). Unfortunately, she sits next to me.
We were taking a test. She slipped the music out of her pocket. My intention was to snatch it. But right afterwards, I realized it was right next to her test.
"Teacher, Mason stole my test." She said like she's the most innocent and small person in world.
"Mason, we've had enough. One more smart move and your butt is in the office for the rest of the day." The teacher said even more stern than she was before.
She confiscated my test right from my desk. All the pieces started to fall together when I said a few words to Kate in the hallway.
"Okay, what was that about? Why are you doing this?"
"A little revenge for what your friend did to one of our best soloists." Kate said deviously.
"Oh, please. She can't sing for the life of her. Have you listened to your festival video? No wonder you got dead last."
I didn't mean to say that. Okay. I totally did. But it slipped.
"Excuse me?!"
"No, excuse this." My fist was just inches away from her makeup battered face. Then I realized my math teacher was standing ten feet away.
She didn't even say anything. She just pointed.
See you soon Lauren.


Are you hooked yet? I hope you are. Because everyone is seeking revenge on their enemies.
Did you notice what I threw in there? ;). Hope your enjoying :)

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