Chapter twenty two

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This one's kind of sad..

Teacher: alright!! Everyone grab a partner because were doing a project. 

I looked around my health class. Luke looked at me and winked. I rolled my eyes and told him to sit with me. As he did the school slut, Meghan, sat next to him. Caitlin sat next to me. I weakly smiled at Luke and looked at Caitlin. The teacher handed out the assignment. 

Teacher: were going to do the family assignment. The family assignment is your going to pretend to be couples and learn the struggles of being teen parents. So, let's say caitlin is the dad. Shannon, your pregnant with Caitlin's baby. 

I looked a caitlin and winked. Caitlin laughed. I smiled and looked back at the teacher. 

Teacher: Shannon doesn't know how to tell her parents she's pregnant. Or how she's gonna support it or if she's gonna keep it or not. Caitlin has to make the decision on supporting Shannon and the baby or walking out. They have to keep track of their money and how they spend it. 

Meghan: we get it. She's a whore and got pregnant. 

Caitlin's eyes went wide and looked at me. Luke groaned. 

Luke: can you shut the fuck up? 

Meghan: baby, it's okay. You deserve better.

The bell rang and I got up and left. I went to last period and sat with Jai. He seen I was upset.

Jai: what's wrong?

S: Luke got paired with Meghan for our project in health. 

Jai: the pregnancy one? 

S: yup. 

He rubbed my back and calmed me down 

S: she called me a whore. 

Jai: what!?!

S: Caitlin's my partner and the teacher used us for an example and how Caitlin's the dad and all the struggles and she called me a whore. 

Jai: takes one to know one. 

I giggled. We talked all period. We walked to my locker and met up with Caitlin. They drove me home. I waved goodbye and walked in. I ran up to my room. I opened my door and seen Luke sitting on my bed. Red eyed. Oh no. This can't be good. 

S: hey...

He looked up at me. 

Luke: I have to tell you something and your not gonna like it. Just know that I didn't mean any second of it and I love you. 

Not again. 

Luke: Meghan, blew me off and I um. Cheated on you. I swear to god if I could go back and change what just happened I would I wish to god you would've walked in on us. 

Tears were streaming down my face. I sniffed. 

S: get out. 

Luke: I'm so sorry. I love you. 

He kissed my cheek and left. I sat on my bed and cried. I screamed and cried. Again. Are you kidding me!? I got up and walked to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror. I grabbed my jacket and left. I walked to Caitlin's house. I knocked on the door and she answered. She let me in and I seen Jai. 

Caitlin: what's wrong!?

S: he cheated on me. 

Jai: what!?

I sniffed and nodded my head. 

Caitlin: with who!?

S: Meghan. 

Jai got up and left. 

Caitlin: she dances at the studio down the street. 

S: let's go. 

We left her house and went to the dance studio. We waited outside until the class was over. Meghan walked out and looked at me. 

Meghan: look who it is! Did you hear about your boyfriend and I? He's really good in bed. 

I lost it then. I grabbed her hair and pushed her. I punched her in the face over and over again. After like twenty punches and her missing everyone she threw caitlin pulled me off of her. My hair was in my face and tears were streaming down my face. Her face was bloody. I kicked her one last time.  Caitlin took me back to her house and I sat down on her couch. Jai walked in. He looked at me. 

Jai: he's really sorry.

I got up and hugged him.

S: I can't stay here any longer.

I let go and went home. I sat on my bed and looked through my phone. I stopped when I seen the name Aunt Marie. I pressed call. 

Aunt Marie: hello?

S: hey, aunt Marie, It's shannon.

Aunt Marie: Hey sweetie! What's shaking bacon?

I giggled. 

S: If mommy and daddy say yes, can I come live with you in the US? the drama here is unbearable.

Aunt Marie: Of course! i'll buy your ticket.

S: No i have money it's okay. 

Aunt Marie: okay, I'll talk to your mom, okay?

S: okay, i love you

Aunt Marie: Love you too baby!! 

We hung up and I sighed. Now to talk to my mom and dad. I got up and went downstairs. They were in the kitchen making sandwiches. I sat down at the counter and they smiled at me. 

S: I wanna talk to you guys about something.

Mom: what's up?

S: I wanna go back to the US. Aunt Marie said I could live with her and I'd go to my old school.

Mom: Sure

Dad: okay. be safe.

That was easy… I went back upstairs an went on my laptop. I got a ticket for the next flight to America. Tomorrow. First class too. I paid for it and went on Facebook. 

I wrote " Going back to the US tomorrow!! So excited!! I'm officially moving back! " 

I looked around some more and signed off. I went on twitter and fans were going crazy with questions. I sighed. I logged off and looked out the window. Dark. I grabbed my blanket and walked out on the balcony. I sat down on one of the chairs and I looked at the stars. After and hour I got cold and went in. I climbed into bed and went to sleep. 


Well, shannon's moving again. WHY!?! ~Shannon xx

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