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Basically, this facility moves to achieve certain goals.

A goal that is inhuman, implausible, and I am sure it will not be easily accepted by society itself.

Everyone has expertise in a certain field.

If you are interested in photography, then become a photographer.

If you are interested in science, be a scientist.

If you are interested in soccer, then become a professional player.

Likewise with work in other fields.

Humans are unique creatures, and also very beautiful.

Almost like, we have various types and specialties.

Regardless of race and skin color, we are born into the world with our own uniqueness. It is impossible to equate individuals with each other within the same sphere of the field, in the sense that you cannot collect monkeys and fish in the same place.

If you do this, you will see a monkey that can climb a tree easily, and a fish that will think all its life that it has failed.

Simply put, the existence of this place is to refute that presumption.

Comprehensive education from birth. Forcing each individual to study in the same curriculum with tremendous mental and psychological stress.

Individuals who survive will receive knowledge that has surpassed humans at their age. In other words, a genius.

However, no matter how hard this place applied such a crude education, any individual who studied would display a stiff rejection.

Now I'm going to ask, what gives birth to talent in a person?

That's right, it is an interest in certain things.

This usually appears at an early age. When you play, you know that you love soccer and you are attracted to it, so you will train and hone your talents in one area only and ignore other things like academics. When you study and you find out that you like science lessons and then you put other subjects aside.

You understand right? In order to eliminate similar events or phenomena, this facility has eliminated important concepts in human life.


You do what you like, then you will be happy forever in life. Even in the case of a person who is underpaid in his occupation, as long as you like it you will live happily through the day.

But, this is what Whiteroom is trying to get rid of.

That's right, happiness is not here.

In order to succeed in this human genius program, one must be skilled in all fields of work. Science, Mathematics, Economics, Languages ​​, and Sports. They try to remove the boundaries of what is called "talent" in the individual.

This is a crazy thing as if humans defy heaven which has given uniqueness to every human being.

Of course, not everyone is able to survive through this educational program. In the end, there will be losers and winners here. Those who endure and those who fail, everyone has his limits. And somehow, that goal would be difficult to apply across Japan if they couldn't remove this limitation by themselves.

However, I cannot deny that this program is an interesting thing. I don't think it's cruel, I don't think it's something bad and inhuman. Unlike other people, I don't feel anything. Other people fall and die, it has nothing to do with me.

It's not that I'm cruel or anything, I just don't find any correlation between me and the other kids here. That means, as long as other people fail or succeed, it has nothing to do with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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