case of the Luna ghost

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*the alternate opening Stephanie is the one that gets captured*

Stephanie's POV

"Let go of me! Okay,  now I really have a wedgie. Fred! Daphne! Velma! Can you guys hurry it up? This ghost keeps grabbing--" I cried out "please!" I said

"Jinkies. Fred Daphne.  Come in, fred Daphne. Can you two hear me?" Velma said

"Fredster and daph here, velms." Fred said

"Shockingly,  stephanie's been captured again. That's okay. When the Luna ghost rounds around the corner with Stephen... shaggy and scooby will pop out of the barrel--" Velma said

"You'll activate the conveyor belt,  spilling the oil onto the floor." Daphne said

"Just remember my plan." Velma said

3rd person's POV

"Like, chill out,  scooby-doo. Stop shaking." Shaggy said

"Me? That's you." Scooby said

"Right.  It's me. Sorry." Shaggy said just then the Luna ghost set flame to scooby's tail making him scream in pain and pop out of the barrel

"Scooby-doo, what are yo doing, man?" Shaggy asked scooby did some motions then realization hit "like, this is not the time... oh, boy. Like, there's a ghost right behind me, isn't there?" Shaggy asked scooby doo

"Uh-huh." Scooby said

"Run!" Both shaggy and scooby screamed in urison they go back into the barrel Velma turned on the conveyor belt and spilt the oil

"Go, shaggy! Go! Run!" Scooby shouts

"Like, I'm trying, buddy!" Shaggy said as he then slips on the oil

"Fred and Daphne,  now!" Velma said then said "hurry up!"

"We're on it!" Fred and Daphne said in urison

"Look out." Scooby said they got pushed to the Fred turned on the water hose Velma fell from the platform she was on with a chain

"Fred! Daphne!" Velma screamed

"Ooh, sorry Velma." Fred and Daphne said in urison

"I know,  fred and Daphne!" Velma said crossing her arms with irritation

"Where's the ghost?" Shaggy asked

"He's right behind us." Scooby said he sees a skateboard and said "Skateboard!" They were now riding the skateboard the barrel breaks a whole where shaggy's head was shaggy jumped over blades

"Is he still after us,  scoob?" Shaggy asked

"Uh-huh." Scooby said "bonzi!"

"Zoinks!  Grab the hook!" Shaggy said

"Hold on, shaggy!" Scooby said he grabbed it and Stephanie screamed as they crashed into her and the Luna ghost

Stephanie's POV

"Stephanie, are you okay?" Velma and Daphne asked

"I'm so over this damsel-in-destrrss nonsense." I said with a glare on my face

"Where's shagster?" Fred said

"Like I'm right here, man." Shaggy said

"Me too." Scooby said I rolled my eyes

"Scoob, that was fun. Let's grab another skateboard and do it again." Shaggy said

"Yeah." Scooby said and laughed the mystery machine crashed into the door of the wearhouse I was helped up by shaggy I was still mad I was captured

*in my headspace*

"Wow, stephanie you got us captured again." Stelter said with a growl

"Well, I'm sorry but it's not my fault they always come after me Stelter." I snapped at her

"This wouldn't have happened if you let me take control." Stelter said

"Yeah, how about no." I snapped at her

*out of headspace*

I snapped out of it "are you okay sis?" Daphne asked I nod with a fake smile

"One for you. Good-looking guy. All right,  nice to see you." Fred said  I rolled my eyes

"Thanks for saving the factory." Pamela said

"Pam, any comments?" A reporter

"This is a victory for any celebrity who wants to make a quality action figures." Pamela said

"Fred what's the secret to your success?" The report asked Fred

"Teamwork. I do a tremendous amount of teamwork, and I always have a plan. Come on." Fred said

"Yeah, Velma's plan." I said rubbing her back she smiled at me I smiled back

"I knew from the start there was no phantom. The Luna ghost is, in facto...." fred said

"Old man Smithers." The whole gang said in urison

"The creepy janitor." Pamela said

"He wanted revenge after you refused to go out with him." Fred said

"How could you Pam? I'm a lover-boy of George Clooney-an proporation." Old man Smithers said it creeped you out

"Fred, how was the ghost able to fly?" The report said

"Me and Velma can answer that. Watch." I said we walked up to mr. Smithers

"These balloons fill with a highly potent helium synthesis... giving the Luna ghost... his weightless appearance." Me and Velma said in urison

"I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids... and your dumb dog." Mr. Smithers said I rolled my eyes

"Scooby-dooby-doo." Scooby said

"Fred, I can't believe you took credit for Velma's plan again." I said

"Some plan. That ghost pawed you for an hour and a half." Daphne said to me

"Hey she tried okay it's not her fault I got captured. It's mine so fight with Velma." I said with tears filling my eyes

"You guys,  look, I know I'm just the dude that carries the bags... but we all play an important part in this group. I mean, we're just like a big, delicious banana split. Fred, you're the big banana. Daphne, you're the pastrami and gum-flavored ice cream. And Velma... your the sweet-and-sour mustard sauce. And Stephanie... your the cherry that goes on top." Shaggy said that made me smile at him

"You know what, shaggy? You've really put it in perspective for me." Velma said

"Thanks.c shaggy said

"I quit." Velma said I frowned upon hearing that

"What? You can't quit. I was gonna quit in, like, two seconds. Now everyone will think I copied off you." I said with tear trickle down my cheeks

"Now, wait a minute. Maybe I quit.  I do. Yeah, I quit." Fred said

"I'm out of her." Me and Velma said in urison

"Good riddance." Daphne said I go home and packed my stuff and go to Ireland and bought a house there and go to it and unpacked my stuff

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