meeting jacksepticeye

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*stephanie's outfit with out the high heels*

*stephanie's outfit with out the high heels*

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Stephanie's POV

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Stephanie's POV

I walked into a café and ordered a caffeinated coffee and sit down while I waited "um, mind if I joined you miss?" A man said

"Not at all go ahead." I said with a smile at him

"Miss stephanie Blake your coffee ready." The cashier said I go up to the counter and grabbed my coffee and two packs of cream I go sit back down  and i poured the cream into the coffee

"Are you new to Ireland? I haven't seen you before." The man said

"Yes, actually we moved here last night." I said then I realized what I said "I mean, I moved here last night." I said

"Cool." The man said

"My names Stephanie." I said with a smile

"I'm Sean." The man said with a smile

"Nice to meet you Sean." I said I  look at a clock "oh, I have to go I'm taking karate classes." I said

"Okay, bye Stephanie." Sean said in a dreamily I giggled

*in karate class*

We were outside I look at a board "my opponent is my insecurity." I said as I broke the board "my strength is my resolve." I said as I broke another board

"Excellent,  Stephanie now summon you Chi you are no longer helpless. " my instructor said I breathe one of his other students tried to attack me I flipped into a tree

"S little help please my but is stuck in a tree oh." I said

"Remember the part about being dependent." The instructor said I get myself down and leave with my original outfit I was walking home

*on the way home*

"Hey, stephanie how'd it go?" Sean asked

"I got stuck in a tree." I said then I laughed "the most funny and embarrassing thing had to happen to me." I said

"Hey, you tried and that's all you can do." Sean said I smiled at him "hey want to hang out sometime?" He asked

"Sure." I said with a smile

*a week of the two dating*

"I'm pregnant Sean." I said with a smile he looked so happy

"I'm gonna be a daddy?" Sean asked me

"Yes, your gonna be a daddy." I said I saw tears perk in his eyes "aw, babe don't cry." I said he smiles at me

*after there daughter was born*

*there nine year old girl named tiffany looks like*

*there nine year old girl named tiffany looks like*

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*and son named Jean*

"Mommy, what's wrong?" Tiffany asked

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"Mommy, what's wrong?" Tiffany asked

"Oh, nothing dear I just miss the gang." I said as I showed her a picture of them "the one in the purple is my twin sister." I said

"Why don't you visit on of them?" Jean said

"You know what that's not a bad idea." I said

"Go tell daddy to pack then pack some clothes for yourself." I said he does so I help tiffany pack then pack myself some clothes for me we go to coolsville

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