I - Heart Beats like Waves

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[Song based off of: That Distant Shore from Steven Universe]
[Genre: Fluff/Angst]

Kaito never really knew why, but the sky was always just so lovely to see, even now as he sat on a shore at the beach and grinned. 
Maybe it was because that very same beach was where he first met Kokichi. To think at first he caught him as a sort of annoying person; a bad first impression to say the least. But here he was, thinking about him as his feet dipped in the grains of sand before him. So many beautiful colors to life he had never truly seen before he met him. Many emotions he never brought up to anybody else ever. He was able to confront himself and change for the better. And even the astronaut had to admit that he had learned how to truly smile because of the interesting liar he had found on that beach. Sometimes, he swore his heart flew like a seagull and heard it pitter patter to the distant waves as they spoke. 
It was calm and relaxing, something he really liked once in a while. 

Though, the so called luminary of the stars was always expected to be the hero, so he acted like one; acted according to his role in this stage play of life. Just give the same smile to everyone, say inspiring words! Be everyone's inspiration even if you aren't true to yourself!
He sometimes felt like an idiot for living by these rules, though, it was a bit ironic that he also hated being called an idiot for personal reasons of his own. Made him feel a bit less highly of himself as egotistical as that sounds. His smarts were always underestimated even though there was more than one definition to being smart. 

As the dusk faded into night, it was like all of the color disappeared, and left just the tall, purple haired male by himself. He curled up against the sandy grains and felt nothing but air against the soft fabric of his magenta clothing, jacket blowing in the wind as he only wore it on one sleeve. There were those times he couldn't really think that positive when he was by himself.
All of the light he had inside, all of that hope. It just faded away. 
"Maybe I am all alone," The astronaut murmured to himself as he teared up with sounds of sniffling blown away by the wind.
All alone again the tall male was. He couldn't get over it much at some points in time, feeling that same emotion again and again when it blew by like a cold shiver in the spring.
The feeling of nothingness.

Though, Kaito started crying. He never would usually cry in front of other people. He'd feel like such a burden for his true emotions to show that weren't anything but happiness or anger. He wasn't an idiot. He'd try to tell himself this sometimes, that he wasn't some form of robot without most of the basic human emotions. 

Sometimes, the night was so cold that even during summer it sent chills down his spine. He didn't understand why it was so cold to be alone at this point when he always just was.
Maybe he had gotten a little too attached to the friend he was used to speaking to a whole lot so he'd go and visit every day in hopes that the small, purple haired liar would be sitting in the sand and waiting for him. 
Maybe tomorrow he'd find himself smiling upon this very same shore. Not like it was that far away, just a few miles actually and a tiny walk along a boardwalk and he'd be there easily! But for now, Kaito figured he should just go home and wait for the next morning while looking up at the stars or something along the lines of stargazing. After all, the stars always gave him inspiration! 

The astronaut stood up, dusting the sand off of his pants and started to head away from the beach. But he was stopped by a familiar voice. His eyes widened and he found himself with small smile spreading across his face. 

"Hey! Kaito!" Kokichi called out to him with a wave. "Don't leave yet! Please!" He spoke, huffing as if he was out of breath. Well, Kokichi did actually walk a long way to go see him at the beach. He always did. The liar woke up early in the mornings because he thought it was more fun to see people even from a long walking distance away.
"Maybe I'm not alone.." Kaito murmured to himself before walking over to Kokichi. 
"It's always nice to see you, you know?" The astronaut chuckled, hugging the smaller one close. 

Finally, the colors were back. Even if it was night, he still had him by his side. So, life wasn't just the same colors. Kaito looked into the lavender eyes of Kokichi's and grinned, his heart beating to the rhythm of rising waves. Waves had always risen and sunk due to the moon's position. Once it was high in the sky, that's where it struck most. 

"Uhm, before we go home how about we sit and bask in the sand you know? Listen to the waves, etcetera!" Kaito exclaimed, motioning for the smaller one to come over to him as he sat back down in the sand. Kokichi proceeded to sit next to him.

There was a few moments of bittersweet silence before the taller one of the two purple haired males opened his mouth to speak. "You know, the moon's beautiful out tonight. Isn't it?" Kaito asked, his eyes staring up to the crater of the sky and flushed slightly. Of course the astronaut knew what it meant. It just depended if Kokichi knew what it meant as well.
After all, it felt much more comfortable to say his feelings at night. And of course when nobody was around.

Kokichi's lavender orbs gazed to Kaito curiously, reading the look on his face like a librarian analyzing books.
"Kaito, the moon was always beautiful." 
The small leader replied with a grin, leaning his head onto his shoulder. 

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