II - He's Just a Liar

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[Song based off of: Two Birds by Regina Spektor]
[Genre: Angst]

Kokichi and Kaito stood across from each other, staring. One with a scowl, and the other with a grin. "Just tell me the truth already, damn it" The taller one grumbled. He was getting tired of all of this arguing with him. He wasn't going to push himself to the brink of death just to find out the truth about one person. But then again.. 
The so called hero had some doubts in what his thinking was. He did want to find out the truth and feel like he did something good. Like an accomplishment. 
"How about this? We both promise to only tell the truth in something like truth or dare? But it's only truth. Truth or Truth sounds a bit silly to say." Kaito spoke with a slight chuckle as he tried to brighten up the mood. 

"Hmm, nah! I'd rather watch you struggle chasing me until the end! I'll merely be watching from the sidelines behind you" Kokichi responded with a devilish grin. To be honest, Kaito wasn't expecting that plan to work regardless. 

"Alright, I'll believe you until I do find out the truth. I'll just keep believing in the truth and what I assume is right!" The astronaut replied with another heroic grin. A fake, hiding grin.  Sometimes, these days always felt the same. Kaito wanted to believe him, but he always told himself something.

Kokichi's just a liar.

He wouldn't mean anything he said in a hundred years and would die before he said the truth. While, that wasn't entirely true (and Kaito was way overexaggerating in his thoughts) that doesn't necessarily mean Kokichi never lies. 
Of course, he'd rather say the truth himself but he was forced to be the villain. Others made him who he was. It wasn't entirely his fault that he lies but it was at the same time. It was a bit confusing as to his motives, but they used to be good intent before everyone posed him as something only out of evil. 

If there was one thing that would get Kaito to believe the truth, it was the fact he was willing to die to end this killing game. He'd entrust him with his plan to end it all and hope nothing goes wrong; or that Kaito wouldn't fuck it up.

Though, once he had confronted Kaito about this, he denied going through with it for a few minutes and had to get through some convincing. But after that, it all seemed to go pretty well for the two and they bonded through those times. 

They normally talked about the others, who they like and hate the most as the bunker was their own hide out. Somewhere where their words could just be kept safe from everyone else. Kaito even once asked him what his opinion on space was. At first, Kokichi responded with a joking lie but then responded with something else. 

"Well, my actual favorite thing about space is probably the stars. They speckle the night sky and make it much more amazing, don't you think astronot?" Kokichi gave the other male a grin and Kaito couldn't help but smile back. 

"Well- of course I agree!" Kaito chuckled in response. "After all I wouldn't be the luminary of the stars for nothing. They're truly spectacular to look at. No matter what night or what mood, they never cease to amaze me." He started laughing again but it grew more faint and weak as the seconds passed. "You know, I actually used to talk to them about my problems and such like they'd carry my problems away or grant me my wishes. Though, it might've been a while I'd say one wish has come true." A grin spread across the ultimate astronaut's face, expression changing from a former scowl to a relaxed smile; one that many didn't see often. 

Though, this whole wish thing had intrigued the liar. So curious to ask what this wish was he could not wait. "Well, what was that wish that came true?" The question felt rather light to touch upon but also so deep to hold a true grasp on. 

"Well, it's that I got a true friend. Someone I can confide to about shit like this." Kaito spoke, pausing for a few moments before adding something else on. "Human- of course. I'm not talking about the stars if that's what you're thinking" The addition came with a pout and a huff. 

"Oh? Is it me?? Am I your friend, Momota-Chan?! Quite an unfortunate choice for a friend at these times, don't you say?" Kokichi's eyes sparkled. He was actually really happy the taller of the two considered him a friend, hell, for anyone to consider him not an enemy.

Soon, all of it seemed like a past memory or something nice they'd reflect on if they were to be alive in the future and still friends.

And now, as Kokichi laid under the hydraulic press, he spoke something in a hoarse voice. "Hey, Kaito? I have to tell you something.." His dull, lavender eyes trailed their way up to the astronaut and he slightly grinned. 
"Hm? What is it, Kokichi?" Kaito responded, looking back down at him despite not really wanting to. He hated seeing him hurt so bad. His eyes dull and pained he just wanted to look away and forget about this whole plan. Go back to just chatting about random things like rubber ducks or something space themed, talk about the truth! Shit like that!

Not this..

Not something that hurt the person he started caring for so deeply. In all honesty, before all of this he'd still give a fuck about if he died. Well, just feel guilty like he would with everyone but now.. What would he do without him? Well, go along with the plan obviously. But once it works? Be free?
Die to illness or natural causes?

He'd be left with nobody.

The words that ushered out of the former deemed liar's lips weren't something that the 'luminary of the stars' had expected although.

"I love you.."

Kaito's eyes widened, tearing up as the hydaulic press crushed Kokichi before he could say what he had wanted to say back. 
"I.. love you too." His voice squeaked, turning it into a tearful mumble as the tall male grasped his jacket and full on starting to sob.
Tears ran down his face and he felt like he couldn't stop, his eyes turning red and puffy as well as his face itself turning red with brimming despair.

He wasn't just a liar.

And now he let him die with the truth.

[A/N: I keep forgetting my fanfics exist. Ah well, you can request songs and if I know them I'll just start writing and if I don't I'll listen to it and see that I can do!

Requests: OPEN]

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