IV - Like a Liar?

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[Song Based off of: Like or Like Like - Miniature Tigers]
[Genre: Fluff]

Kaito peered out the window of his house, admiring the view and greenery. He was wearing some purple sweatshirt that Kokichi had gotten him. When it had arrived prior, the note that was on it said: 'I got this for you because it looked stupid! Exactly something for you!'. At first Kaito had frowned upon this because he knew if Kokichi saw him in it he'd make fun of him. But, it wasn't anything harmless after all.

Even if being called an idiot hurt his feelings, he could just suck it up and wear it because it looked nice. So, it was his first time trying it on. It was comfy to say the least and he hugged himself, feeling the suns rays against him. It may have been something he'd need for times in the winter but he just felt like wearing it despite it being summer.

Though, the tall male suddenly remembered that him and Kokichi were supposed to hang out today.
He felt it'd be a bit embarrassing if he caught him wearing it, but eh; maybe it'll be fine.

Hours later, Kaito heard the knock at his door and rushed to the sound with excitement. Though, to be honest he never thought he'd be as excited to see someone he used to call his 'rival' in his lifetime.

But when he opened the door, nobody was there.
"Huh? Hey what the hell!" Kaito exclaimed, putting his hands on his hips.

Kokichi came out from somewhere to the right of him suddenly and made a face. "Gotcha! Haha! The ding dong ditch worked!" He started laughing about his prank until he noticed the apparel Kaito was wearing.
"You actually bothered to wear that sweatshirt I gave you?" The shorter of the two actually seemed surprised to see him in it, but sort of glad. Even if he had called it stupid, he still wore it. Kokichi was actually rather touched by it, though he wouldn't admit that ever.

"Yeah! I thought it was actually pretty nice to wear in the end. It doesn't look stupid by the way." Kaito replied with a chuckle, soon inviting Kokichi in.

"Well thank you, sir spacealot!" Kokichi mocked with a tiny bow before walking in. Neither of them knew how many nicknames Kokichi had for Kaito but it was probably a lot. He'd tease him for lots of things and make up new nicknames each and every time. Spaceidiot, astrodummy, astronot, and the list goes on.

"Sir spacealot? What is that, nickname number 20; oh humble shorty?" Kaito and Kokichi joked around like this often and it ended up in them becoming friends this way. Even so, they have never considered romantic feelings for each other ever. Maybe once or twice they've felt a weird fuzziness when chatting with each other but they both just pushed it away for some feeling as a closer friendship.

"You've seriously got to have something better than that, spacey!" Kokichi reached his hand up and ruffled his hair with a joking grin.

"Hey I took an hour to get my hair fixed right!" Kaito replied in alarm, swiftly trying to fix his hair.

"Well maybe you should let it down some time! You know, I think it'll suit you better now that I think about it!" Kokichi paused, his look seemingly pondering his own claim.
".. Nevermind! If I do that, then I can't really make fun of it! It's fun to joke about your gravity defying hair!" He smiled brightly.

"I really don't get how you find so much fun in mocking me, really Kokichi," Kaito replied with a soft chuckle. It was one of amusement, filling the dense air with light.
"Well, I guess that's another thing to add to the list," He added on with a smile. Kokichi only gave him a confused look.

"Hm? What's the list about? Is it the things you love about me?" Kokichi questioned Kaito's list with a flirtatious joke, causing Kaito's cheeks to flare up to a bright pink. It wasn't too prominent to see but turning away sure did help. He hid away the fact he was blushing with a forced laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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