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I stuff clothes in my bag, breathing hard as I zip it up. I was running. I dash down the dark hallway after slinging my yellow bag around my neck and under my arm. 

It started only five weeks ago, I graduated from high school, took the summer off, and moved in with my boyfriend who lived close to our college campus. He was the sweetest man I'd ever met when I was in high school. He was charming and he showered me in love and cute gifts, but soon after I moved in with him he became a little... crazy. Out of nowhere, he expected me to do anything he told me and told me whether or not I should be wearing something, when I fought against him he would grab me and squeeze me until I submitted. All the while saying he loved me. What caused my decision to run away was last night. We were in bed and he whispered, "you belong to me and only me. You are mine and don't ever forget it." It freaked me out and now here I am, sprinting across the thick carpet in a space so dark I wouldn't be able to see my hand if it were right in front of my face. 

I ran until I met the front door. I could feel slight tremors underneath my feet. Tears began to leak from my eyes as my trembling hands struggled to unlock the door. The tremors got stronger, my breath quickened. The ground suddenly stopped quaking and I lightly hiccup, choking on my breath. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" I slowly turn around and look up. Even though I couldn't see him I could feel his sharp blue eyes piercing through my soul. "I-I w-w-was going to th-th-the store... w-we're out of milk." I hear him sigh above me and I am suddenly encased in a tight flesh prison. "Do you think I'm stupid?!" I feel his hot breath wash over me and minuscule flecks of saliva fall on my face, tears flow from my eyes like Niagara Falls as I tremble in his hand. "Don't lie to me, Embry, Where. Were. You. Going?"

"I-I w-w-was g-going to get m-milk." "You're gonna regret that." I am whisked through the air and light assaults my eyes. We're in the kitchen. Jason laughs above me, "I try so hard for you August. Why can't you just love me the way I love you?""I-I do love you.""Shut up." Jason finishes flipping through the cabinets and slams a jar onto the island table. He sets me down, unscrews it, and tosses me inside slamming the lid back on. "J-Jason! W-what are you doing!?" He grabs a knife from the drawer and jabs it repeatedly into the jar's lid. I have to cover my ears at the sound of the knife piercing thin metal. I stare up at Jason with brown, watery eyes, holding my minuscule hands to the glass. "This ought to teach you," He begins to walk out of the room. "J-Jason! Jason!" I bang against the glass in vain as he flicks off the lights, "P-please d-don't leave me!" It becomes clear that he's not turning back. I curl up on the cold glass surface beneath me, my eyes still leaking whilst I stare into the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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