The World

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The "World" that we live in is not made for us
We're supposed to be angels who don't make a fuss
We're supposed to be kind and be loving and free
But nobody cares about us, don't you see?

I don't know about you but my life is a mess
I wish I could wear makeup, skirts or a dress,
But the world that I live in is not made for that
They'd think I'm a freak, not an aristocrat.

But I think I can hear you—who the fuck cares
If they call you a freak or if someone dares
To go out and hit you with words or their fists?
Well, nobody should, but the fear still exists.

We should all be ourselves, that's clear as day,
And we should be free to go out and say "Hey,
I'm a beautiful son of a rainbow, you know?"
Without people piling up on boulders to throw.

But how to expect that from strangers who sneeze
If we aren't accepted by our own families
Who can't look at us without feeling sick
And hiding ourselves just can't do the trick?

My own mother once saw a picture of me
With edited makeup, obviously
And my heart broke to pieces when I saw her run out,
Just aching to vomit, but only able to shout.

I got over that somehow, but resentment lives on
And my family's stares will never be gone
And if they find out my real hopes and dreams
My ideal life turns to puddles of screams.

The world is a mess and I hate it with pain
But I refuse to give in to disdain
And I will work hard, and I won't shed a tear,
Until the world ain't afraid of the "queer".

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