chapter 12: who liked harry?

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(play song when its mentioned)

Harry's pov:

I shove past Liam leaving him confused and walk into the back area. I enter my office and slam the door behind me to make sure no one bothers me, the last thing I need is someone coming in here and pissing me off further.

Who does louis think he is sitting there with a smile on his face and telling me that how I feel is a lie and that I have feeling for Noelle but I'm just to scared to admit it. Its complete bullshit, me and Noelle are barley even friends and I wouldn't even go as far as calling us that.

And we don't flirt, she doesn't listen to me and always has a response for everything, and I just happened to be the same at times. She thinks she can say shit without me reacting, but I always have something to say back whether it's true or not or if she likes it or not.

Don't get me wrong after the other night it made me realise me and her might become friends again but I'm not sure if she feels the same considering I was the one who screwed up our friendship all those years ago.

Since we have lived together, I have noticed she likes being around other people even if its me and seems to avoid being alone at all costs and when she is alone, she's always doing something to distract herself.

Like yesterday for example, when I got home, she was watching a crime documentary which I think keeps her mind busy and stops her from thinking about what's going on in that head of hers or another example is this morning she made pancakes whilst I was getting ready. It like she can't just sit still and do nothing, she always seems like she on the go not only physically but mentally too and I don't think she even realises herself.

And another thing I have noticed is that in the last week she's slept in her bed one time and that was because I went off to my room in as huff and so did she. I'm not saying she does it knowingly, but I think it has something to do with her not wanting to be alone even though she would never admit it. Or she's just not sleeping properly which also makes sense after last night.

Considering how much she tries to hide how she feels from everyone I'm doing a pretty good job at reading her. I'm no expert at this emotional stuff but taking psychology at sixth form might be the reason I'm fairly good at reading people or its just because I know how to hide things myself. God that sounds deep.

I can't read myself for shit though, god knows what's wrong with me.

I don't entirely know why I'm so worked up over what louis said it could be the way he acted like he was right, but I don't think he was right because I would know if I had feeling for Elle wouldn't i? what am I saying I know I don't have feeling for her and It's not like she would ever have feeling for me, I'm just her best friends' older brother and old friend who acts like an arse for no particular reason and who she happens to live with now.

Louis can go and suck one, he's giving me a free tattoo for that stunt.

I've known louis for three years, we met when he was training to become a tattoo artist and I was getting my first tattoo whilst smash faced drunk- I was not in my finest state for the first year of our friendship. He did a decent job, but he ended up covering it with something better a few months ago free of charge. We started hanging out when I started getting more tattoos as he seemed cool and my only friend was niall at the time, so I decided to give it a shot and he hasn't buggered off since, not that I'm complaining as its hard-to-find trustworthy guys who aren't complete knobs all the time.

That brings me to Liam who I've known for two years and that's thanks to my sister as when they worked together, they would hang out and me and niall would tag along sometimes and then when Liam left his job, I offered him a job at cherry's, and he accepted. I don't think this club would do as well as it does if it wasn't for Liam's bar service. From what I've been told he makes some 'banging' drinks. He's also just a sweet guy who never has a mean thing to say about anyone and gives some of the best advice I have ever heard.

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