Chapter 1.

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*Addilyns' POV*

        Wow, I guess this is really happening. One of my dream schools. I'm all packed up and ready to make the move. I looked down to see my best friend Lucy calling me. "Heyyyyy Addi!" "Hey Lulu!" "So my mom told me that they've got the horse trailers ready. We'll be over there around 5 in the morning so we can pack the moving trucks. Then mom told me that when we get there me and you need to get our horses loaded in their trailers. Are our dogs riding with us?" "Yeah, dad told me the dogs could ride with us. He doesn't want them to be locked up for a twelve hour drive." "Hey Addi?" "Yeah lulu?" "Do you think how crazy it is that we're doing this together? Like moving out of our state, 12 hours away. Also this school literally has everything. They have horse stables, they allow pets, sports, and everything." "Well Lu, it is a very prestigious school. It's sophisticated, big, and more than likely gonna be full with smart people." I tell Lucy as I set my phone down at my desk. "Oh Addi can I have bottom bunk?" Yeah, you know how much I love the top." "So are we still riding separately with our parents tomorrow?" "Yeah, we should anyway. You know how hard it's gonna be to say goodbye. I mean we should make these last twelve hours we have left with them meaningful." "Yeah you're right. Well Addibug I've got to go eat dinner. See you in the morning. I love you." "Yeah I've got to go eat too. I love you lulubug! See you in the morning." I tell my best friend as I hang up.

        I got up from my desk and walked downstairs to supper. "Mom, you didn't." "Yep, it's your last night here so I cooked your favourite." "I'm glad because we don't have roast and green chillies a lot. I would've helped." "I got it sweetie. I wanted you to finish those last boxes anyway." She tells me. "Alright my two beautiful and lovely ladies we need to go over tomorrow again." My dad says as he sits to eat. "First we say the blessing. Addilyn do the honors." "Yes ma'am. Dear lord thank you for everything you've done for us. Without you we'd be nowhere, lost, and everything would be dark. Thank you for the food that you give us today, tomorrow, and the rest of our lives. Please let us be safe tomorrow and all of us and the animals have safe travels. Amen." "That was really nice sweetie. Oh and Marry this is so good." My dad points out as I giggle.

        "So we're gonna get up, get ready, make sure everything's packed, load it all up into the moving trucks, put Apollo's cage in the back of the truck. Make sure his stuff is in the back of the truck, but he's gonna sit in the back with you. Then we're gonna make sure all of princes stuff is ready put it in the back of the truck too, then load him up. Make sure he has food and water before we get Apollo into the truck. Make sure you have your bag that your carrying with you and then we need to double check everything before we get ready to leave. Rob and Pam will be here with Lu at 5. We're gonna help them and then we're gonna leave. They'll be right behind us." My dad explained everything to us. For the rest of dinner we just talked about our day and my grandparents. "Addi will you help with the dishes?" "Yes ma'am." I told her. After we got done with the dishes it was 7:30 so I started to do my nightly stuff.

        I stood in front of my mirror smiling because tomorrow would be a new start. I shook my head and began to get undressed for my shower. After a 15 minute shower I put on some leggings and a sweater to sleep in and go let Apollo in. "Hey bud. You like being outside huh?" I asked him as he started to wag his tail excitedly. Me and Apollo went back upstairs and straight into bed with our alarm set for four the next morning.

        I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring at me to get up. Apollo's head shot up and he looked at me tiredly through this eyes. "I know buddy. We can sleep in the car. Maybe not twelve hours but we can sleep." I told him. It was winter so it was freezing cold outside, Minnesota would be no better. It's so cold there it snows whenever it pleases. I put on some black leggings, a light blue hoodie with a butterfly on it, some fuzzy socks, and my slides. I let Apollo out for now, while I went to make sure everything was ready. Once mom and dad got downstairs we began loading things into the moving trucks. Once we were done I ran to get Apollo's cage to put in the back and made sure his box of stuff was in his cage. I looked to see a car pull up in the drive way as I was getting princes' things loaded in the back of my moms and dads truck. "Good morning!" I said to my second parents and sister. "Hey addi! We loading up the horses now?" "Yeah, lu." I told her as I was leading Prince into his trailer making sure he had food and water for the ride. "Hey Bailey!" I said to Lucy's very small dog. I played with her until Lucy got her and put her into her dog carrier for now. I walked back through the house with Apollo's leash in hand. "Hey buddy time to get you into the car." I told him as he started to bark. He licked all over my face as I was putting on his leash. He was so cute about it I couldn't help but giggle. He hopped up into the truck and immediately laid down on the floorboard. Mom brought out his big dog bed to lay across the floorboard for him to lay on and my backpack. I went and got my pillow and blanket from the couch and sat them in the seat as I began to go through my backpack. Phone? Check, earbuds? Check, laptop? Check, snacks? Check, drinks? Check, car charger? Check, and wallet? Check. Lucy came over to me and hugged me from behind and I hugged her hands that were around me. "Crazy huh?" I asked her. "Yeah, but I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else." "You know you're my sister forever right? No matter what happens at this school?" "Of course Addi and you'll always be mine. I love you." "I love you to Lulu." I told her. Rob and Pam as well as my parent looked at us smiling asking us if we were ready to go. We shared a glance before nodding our heads yes. We went to our separate cars starting our journey to Minnesota.

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