Chapter 3.

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*Ryans POV*

It had been about three weeks since Addilyn and Lucy got here, we had all become pretty close. Me and Blake decided to go on a run to relive some stress of classes and sports. It was about 8:30 when we decided to go. As we were running through the dark woods Blake stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder. I look at him extremely confused. "Yo, I know you see that." "See what man? It's pitch Black out here." "Dude! Quiet. Look." He says as he points over behind the bushes where I spot the two pairs of red glowing eyes staring right at us. "Dude. Run. Now!" I tell as we took off back to the campus. I stopped to see Blake was no longer running being me, then I was tackled to the ground by a very big something. Next thing I knew I felt a very sharp pain in my left shoulder. I let out a loud groan as I tried to look around for Blake. I saw him laying on the ground and he crawled his way over to me. "What the hell was that thing?" He asked. "I don't know. But we don't speak about what happened here to anyone but us. Agreed?" "Agreed.". We got up and made our way back to the campus, as we were walking we spotted Lucy. "Hey guys! Wait, why do you guys look so tired and beat up? What'd you do?" "We just went on a run." Blake tells her. "Well I've got to get back Addilyn. She isn't feeling the best right now." "What's wrong with her?" I was quick to ask. I look over to Blake smirking at me. "Lady things. I'm sure you don't want me to spare the details." She tells me giggling. I laugh quietly "I'm gonna come see her for a few minutes." I tell her "yeah I'll come to." Blake says. We make our way into the room as the dogs were playing with each other. I see Addi on the top bunk wrapped into a bunch of fuzzy blankets, plus her comforter. "Hey cutie, what's wrong?" I ask. "Cramps." Is all she mumbled out. "I'm sorry, want some pain killers, a person to lay with, or anything to eat or drink?" "Well I would like some pain killers and someone to lay with." "Well I volunteer myself for that." I smiled at her as she returns it. I grab some pain killers out of her bag and a bottle of water, and make my way up to the top bunk. "Hey you're bleeding." She tells me. "Oh it's nothing." "It doesn't look like nothing Lucy bring me some bandages and a wet cloth." "Okay, here ya go." Lucy tells her. "Take off your shirt." she tells me as she begins to sit up. "Hey woah, I'm fine it's nothing. Lay back down." "No. Let me help you. You helped me, now I'm gonna help you." She tells me as I begin to take off my shirt. "Ryan! That isn't nothing what the hell happened to you." "I fell while I was jogging and something bit me. Just an animal. I'll be fine." I told her as she started to slowly wipe off the now dried blood. It took a few minutes for her to clean the blood, then she gently wrapped it up. "Now it's better." "You didn't have to do that, but thank you. Now let's get back to laying down." I tell her as she starts to giggle telling me yes. She got back comfortable under her blankets and turned her back to me pulling my arm around her. I laid my head on her shoulder with one arm around her waist and the other playing with her hair until she fell asleep. Once I made sure she was sleeping I pulled her blankets over her and begin to climb down.

I walked back into my room to see a girl standing there with Blake a confused look on his face. "Dude she's here for you man. I'm gonna go get ready for bed." He tells me as he pats my shoulder. "People tell me if I'm looking for some fun to come to you, so here I am. What do you want to start with? Throwing off my clothes?" She asks. I heard Blake in the bathroom laughing at me. "I actually don't really do that anymore so you'll have to find someone else for fun." I tell her. "What?!" She scoffs "what happened to you? A girl?" "Yeah actually and she's pretty great so, uh if you'll excuse me. I need you to leave." "Whatever loser." She says and walks out. "Dude, Addi really got you changing huh?" "Addi's great man. I want her to be my girlfriend, I just wanna take things slow for now. I don't want to mess it up. She's changed me and I definitely think it's for the better." "Dude we can all see you've changed. And it's so good to see an improvement. As your bro, I'm proud of you man." "Thanks man." "Anytime. Now let's hit the bed. I'm exhausted." He laughs.

I sat down in my seat for my first class which was English, I had this class with Blake, Noah, and Addi. Addilyn walked in with a smile on her face walking towards her seat next to mine when all of a sudden the girl from last night placed herself there instead. "Sorry sweetie. This is my seat." She tells addi. Addi frowns and walks away toward Blake. "What do you want?" "To sit with you silly." I roll my eyes and plop my forehead on my desk. I pull out my phone and begin to text Addilyn.

Sorry about her :(

It's okay. Who is she?

An annoying girl wanting sex.

Oh. :(

Don't worry, she won't get it from me.


Addilyn turned around and smiled at me as I returned it. All through class I could hear things I shouldn't have been able to hear, smell, sense things I shouldn't be able to, and I noticed Blake acting the same way. Once the bell rang I caught up to Blake and we started to head out the door when we were grabbed by our shoulders and shoved into the bathroom. "When the hell did it happen?" "Noah what the hell are you talking about?" Blake asked. "You two were bitten last night. Now unnatural stuff is happening. I knew I smelled it when you walked through the door. You've been my best friends for a while. Dudes you can tell me. The same thing happened to Alva. Do you know what it's called? Being a werewolf." Noah said as she saw the laughs etching on our faces. Noah got mad and started doing stuff to his body that turned him into a werewolf. "HOLY SHIT." I said. "Look, you two are already my best friends so I'm gonna take you into my pack okay? I'm the leader of my pack and right now it's just me and Alva, now you two. Me and her will show you everything you need to know and learn. That means don't get too angry because you'll want to kill and you won't be able to control it." "Oh. My. Goodness. Will we still be able to play sports? No way this is happening right now. This is supposed to be a fairytale." Blake rushed out. I stood there in complete shock. "Yes, you'll still be able to do things. You just need to learn to control it while doing it. Oh and this goes no further than our pack. Got it?" "Yeah. We do. But what about Addilyn? I don't want to hurt her. If I did, I wouldn't be able to live with myself." "Hey, we know how much you two care about those girls. We won't let anything happen to them." He tells us.

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