Whitty x Carol HCS 2

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Hi! Here are some more headcanons of the cuties!

-They have a dog and cat

-Their names are Smokey and Poofy

-They love watching movies together

-Carol is always like on Whitty's body somehow

-"Why you always layin on me girl?"

-She loves when he sleeps

-He's curled up and snuggled into the blankets

-They like quote memes to each other a lot

-They both love eating

-They are married :D

-They kinda just put rings on each and declared it marriage

-They're both ace (like me)

-Carol just adores Whitty in every single way. Shes told all the reasons why shes in love with him and he just started crying

-They both kiss each other's tears away

-Whitty is always the one to protect her

-They both like trolling and doin dumb shit to people

-They sing each other lullabies 

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